Houseplant layering

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Houseplant layering


Post: # 69012Unread post Shule
Thu May 05, 2022 2:28 am

This isn't a new concept, of course, but I've been propagating houseplants via layering lately, and it works pretty well. I like it.

I have a goldon pothos that grew toward my grapefruit tree and rooted in its pot, in two places; so, I took cuttings and planted them back in the main pot (each already has roots). I've been layering them on purpose, since, and did the same with a spider plant (C. comosum) chick in its own pot (still attached). The spider plant rooted, but I still need to repot it.

I put a small (maybe 3") rock on the golden pothos vine where the aerial root node is to keep it in the soil (without the rock, the node tends to come above the soil).
Location: SW Idaho, USA
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Elevation: 2,260 feet

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