I came upon this recent article, which gives a nice overview of the basic genes governing fruit color, shape, size etc. and it reminded me to start a thread for our favorite...
this season I got myself a refractometer to more accurately select the plant with the sweetest fruits for my current breeding line, and I thought some of you...
So I was inspired by Frosti , bower as well as some reading I did on another forum (that won't let me join...) and by a paper by Brazilian scientists on Septoria Leaf Spot...
The main hurdle small scale hobby breeders face is a lack of scale. The more plants there are in a generation, the higher the chances of finding the right combination of...
Last year I decided to try crossing some of my favorite varieties- Brad’s Atomic, red grape (unknown), Tim’s Taste of Paradise and an unknown yellow/orange stripe.
Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've published anything since I'm very busy with work and others, but very often I enter the forum to read you, I'll always be...
So I've decided as a fun little project to start a tomato cross. As this is my first foray into this, a question occurred to me. Will the variety I select to be the mother...
If I take pollen from a regular leaf plant, and pollinate a flower of a potato leaf plant, when I collect the fruit off of the potato leaf plant, if the offspring is RL the...
“Here is a procedure that Tim Peters recommends for tomatoes: Plant about fifty seeds of your first generation in a half-gallon pot of soil. When they come up, select for...
Is Maxifort a S habrochaites cross? Asking because one of my Maxifort rootstocks grew out and I didn’t prune it for months. It was identical to my habro x domestic F1’s....
GG is one of my favorites ever, can any of you mad scientists tell me what it would look like to cross it with King Kong, Domingo, or any of the other giant reds, in an...
I do want to try my hand at this whole tomato breeding thing, but it's intimidating. I've watched enough YouTube videos on the actual act with the tweezers and all that I...
Now that I've finally got healthy plants in full bloom here in Michigan, I'm going try crossing a couple favorite heirlooms that have excellent pedigrees and stability with a...
Hello dear friends,
Last summer I implemented my first cross. My idea was to pick two strong vines with different colors and characteristics and cross them.
I picked Orange...
I was thinking of posting here (over the few next months) some photos and lessons learned from my breeding project from season 2021. I hope this inspires others when planning...
I've started my plants too early for the spring that we're having, but finally the forecast is looking up and the overgrown seedlings at 8 weeks are about to get finally...
Pink lover(s) .. you know who you are.
Being shamed by not having a (non black, non-green-gelled) pink to grow this season, I have turned to... the Big Binder of seeds of the...
Tonight I have been going through the internet documenting different tomatoes for possible growing next year. I somehow stumbled upon a Wordpress blog by someone that's...
I was growing long keeper tomatoes first time in 2021, below is my very last Reverend Morrow's Long Keeper from today. Not the best tasting tomato but still interesting...
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