I want to try growing fennel again but when I go online to order seeds there seems to be 2 types, the bulbing kind & the wild kind that is used for seed harvesting. How do I...
Anyone grow these? I’ve got three romanesco artichokes seedlings up and growing along with three ROUGE D'ALGER CARDOON seedlings. The county ag extension says sets should be...
Today I went down a few corn rows looking for ready ears and found six but they're smaller than usual. I also found some deformed ears where the ears seem to be splitting the...
I'm growing this for the first time and for the life of me it refuses to flower. The very tiny buds (not blossoms)I've seen so far just fall into my hand when merely touched....
I've grown Asparagus almost my entire life, but almost in every circumstance that I tried growing it, by the time the plants had reached maturity and were big enough to...
How full should I let the asparagus beds get? This is the first bed I have made myself. I have seen some others that have well spaced plants, but they are older beds and very...
I have room for at most 14 more eggplants, but I have about 26 plants left. I'd like to plant at least one of each of the following, so that leaves 7 more spaces. (I will...
I figured I'd start the thread for the year, since I just harvested my first okra for the year. I wanted to harvest a few yesterday for that sambar, but it wasn't quite...
I'd like to hear what type and brand(s) of fertilizer are preferred for corn. I've been using Jack's soluble 25-5-15, but I want to get an idea of a dry type of fertilizer...
Yesterday was corn pickin' day. That totaled up to 51 ears for us, 13 squirrel damaged. In a couple of days I'll go through again and see if any of the smaller secondary ears...
A couple nights ago I soaked some seeds for 4 types of okra - 3 greens, and Little Lucy red. The greens are the Emerald, which I've been growing for years since those and the...
This afternoon I cut out the Bodacious corn stalks that the squirrels have damaged. There were about six or seven on one end of the bed. It's a sure tell that the corn's...
We have had more than our share of rain and then there has bee some very bad not good things happen here so I still don't have the corn planted :( They always say knee high...
Anyone grown these? I ordered “Cafe” and “Sparkler”. Cafe is a 68 day yellow and Sparkler a 78 day bicolor.
Each synergistic ear has 75% (se) kernels and 25% (sh2) kernels....
I've been experimenting with small grains (wheat, barley and mixtures with peas) for two years now as a rotation for my garlic beds. I started with two wheats (Akmolinka and...
If you've grown several types of yardlong beans, what differences have you found between them?
Red Noodle beans grow very well here, especially toward the end of the hot,...
The Chinese String eggplant is still putting out. Pickles picked a tad over two pounds yesterday and made pickled eggplant with all of it. It made one pint and a half pint....
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