Canning fish.

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Canning fish.


Post: # 141790Unread post worth1
Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:43 am

In particular canning fish in oil.
I watch a woman up in Alaska on YouTube trying out different canned sardines.
She has a whole channel on trying out different canned fish especially sardines.
Who would have thought?
Well anyway I start looking up canned fish in oil for the home canner and there isn't anything to speak of.
There's nothing on the US government website national censor home food preservation because they haven't tried it.
With these people it's like asking is it okay to step off a curb and the answer is we haven't tested so no it's not safe.

Yet all across America you can buy canned fish packed in oil.
I know the process is different but what the devil.

I was wanting to try canning fish in an actual hot oil not some sissy stuff they have in the store.
Salsa macha oil with cumin in it to be exact.
Something like a hot oil made from chili de arbole.
So where would I get the sardines?
I considered minnows and looked up to see if people ate minnows.
As it turns out people do..
Not ready for that one yet.

Without being political the government needs to fund this organization and force them to start doing more testing.

They're spending money someplace but where.
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Re: Canning fish.


Post: # 141793Unread post worth1
Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:59 am

We used to can carp and buffalo fish when I was a teenager.
Gaspergoo too.
A Gasper is a fresh water drum and they get huge.

The carp was prepared in a way they weren't fishy.
Bled out and blood line cut out.
But they were so boney it was almost impossible to eat one fried..
We caught so many of these trash fish we decided to can them and make fish patties in the winter.
A quart was good for 3 people with a few patties leftover.

I remember our neighbors showed up one evening with a pickup load of these things and we were up all night into the morning cleaning and canning fish.
My mom had 2 huge canners running all that time.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Canning fish.


Post: # 141815Unread post Uncle_Feist
Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:31 pm

When I was younger we used to gig white and redhorse suckers when they were on the riffle spawning each spring. In a good night we could fill the bottom of a pickup bed with fish. Most were scaled, chunked and shoved into quart jars and canned for fish patties. They were way better than canned salmon in hillbilly opinion.

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Re: Canning fish.


Post: # 141818Unread post karstopography
Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:17 pm

There were men that came and gill netted our lake decades ago to get the huge buffalo that lived in the lake. We heard they were taken to St. Louis and used to make Gefilte fish.

Must be a pressure canning process or something like that.
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Re: Canning fish.


Post: # 141819Unread post worth1
Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:22 pm

Uncle_Feist wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:31 pm When I was younger we used to gig white and redhorse suckers when they were on the riffle spawning each spring. In a good night we could fill the bottom of a pickup bed with fish. Most were scaled, chunked and shoved into quart jars and canned for fish patties. They were way better than canned salmon in hillbilly opinion.
There's only one canned salmon I would buy and it was red sockeye from Alaska.
The price is over the top and I haven't seen a regular size can in years.

I have no idea what's happened to our society in the US and its tastes for food and fish.
Pork isn't supposed to be flavorless.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Canning fish.


Post: # 141820Unread post worth1
Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:25 pm

karstopography wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:17 pm There were men that came and gill netted our lake decades ago to get the huge buffalo that lived in the lake. We heard they were taken to St. Louis and used to make Gefilte fish.

Must be a pressure canning process or something like that.
I had a friend that had a commercial fishing netting license.
He used to fill net some of the private lakes in your area, he would bring home a ton of perch and give me an ice chest full.
He also sold gar to the Asians in Houston.
He died from leukemia about 20 years ago.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

You can't argue with a closed mind.
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