pepperhead212's 2020 garden

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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 21738Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:44 pm

Ain't it the truth, [mention]GoDawgs[/mention]! I did one of those maintenance things today, once it got nicer out, and the chance of rain had passed - I re-sprayed almost everything with Surround, or kaolin clay, along with some potassium bicarbonate, as hopefully a preventative to some fungal diseases. This went on the tomatoes (still no cherries visible, so they got it, too), squash, gourds, eggplants, peppers (since they also have none forming yet), and the okra. As I was applying it to the okra, I thought that this may help those Emerald plants, as the white of the Surround supposedly helps keep plants cooler, by reflecting some of the light. I took a photo this morning, showing how good the Emerald plants looked, before the light and heat hit, when it wilted again. I'll see if the surround helps tomorrow.
ImageThe Emerald okra, looking fine in the morning, before the sun and heat hit it. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 21772Unread post GoDawgs
Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:53 am

There are a lot of kaolin mines in this area, some just up the road. Some of the best porcelain quality kaolin in the world comes from 20 miles away. Wouldn't it be funny if some of our area kaolin is on your plants!

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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 21786Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:09 pm

Just goes to show, all Georgia clay isn't red!
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 21971Unread post pepperhead212
Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:16 pm

I got a lot more done today, since I wanted to finish a bunch, before the heat that's coming, in the next several days. I mowed the lawn, and I uncovered my raised bed for the last time, and harvested some kohlrabi, that had gotten very large. Still 3 of the smallest ones left (though still large, for kohlrabi).
ImageKolibri kohlrabi, 29.1, 28.3, 28.1, and 27.7 oz. 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

My first Ichiban eggplant is forming, after I buzzed that blossom a while ago:
ImageThe first Ichiban forming! 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I pulled out a number of things that have bolted, but I got a generous number of harvests from (cut and come again!), like leaf lettuce, bok choy, and mizuna. A few days ago, I pulled those purple napas, that had just barely started to flower, and I had to make something with all of that at once, and still have some of that salad in the fridge. The senposai and komatsuna are just starting to bolt, so I have to use all that soon!
ImageSenposai, just starting to bolt, 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageKomatsuna, just starting to bolt. Leeks on the bottom, and scallions in the middle. 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The kale shows no hint of bolting, and this is one I've gotten a number of harvests from, with a good kale flavor. I'll definitely grow this again.
ImageRed Bor Kale, with mo hint of bolting yet. 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The leeks are still small, but some of the scallions I'm growing are forming onions. I've tried to harvest them as soon as I'd see a seed head statting on them, or the largest ones, every time I'd pull the cover up, to harvest.
ImageSome onions, originally planted as scallions, but larger now. 6-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 22757Unread post pepperhead212
Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:59 pm

I didn't do much again today - the weather has been nice, so I did as much as I could the last several days, and sort of ran out of things to do! Nice to have weather like this, as soon, it will be summer, and it will seem like it out there, according to the forecast. Still no tomatoes ripening yet, but a lot of varieties have fruits set already. Last year, by this time, the plants were already getting fungal diseases, due to the excessive rainfall, but I've been lucky this season, KOW. One of the few things I did today was train many of the tomatoes along the trellises, and I had to use that plastic tape for all those that were getting far away from the trellis, but couldn't be eased over to it, just directed to it. In a few days they will hopefully be through the holes. I had to do this with a lot of the stems from the largest tomatillo, which is just starting to set fruit!

That Little Lucy okra is growing great, and today I saw the second flower - an okra is forming on the first one, and is about 1½" long - really early, for okra! Emerald has recovered well, and I snipped the smaller of the two direct seeded ones, in the spot where one had died, and it will be interesting to see how it catches up with those ones that were delayed. I also saw the first peppers, this time on Jyoti, not Superchili, as usually happens. I haven't picked that first Ichiban, but it is almost ready.
ImageSecond okra flower of the season, 6-18-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFirst peppers of 2020 - Jyoti, 6-18 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23031Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:08 pm

I went out briefly this morning, to plant some of those sprouted beans I had, but that sun was intense, so I didn't stay in it long! I probably wouldn't have gone out much more, but later I had a bad storm, with some several cells converging right over me! Only 1.37", but there was some damage to a few tomato plants, and one EB of okra was over on their sides, yet the ones in the other containers are barely over at all! I put stakes in the ones over, to put them back up, and no harm done.
ImageOkra blown over slightly, by storm. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And this one has okra on it!
ImageThe okra plant, staked back up again, with okra starting to show up! 6-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I actually went outside and did what I could later today, because the power went out around 5:40, and came back around 7:15. So I did what I could, handling as little as possible, and removing a few tomato branches broken at the base, and the ones bent away from the trellises, I carefully used the plastic tape to pull the branch back to the trellis. The ones that are pulled away, but not too bad - I'll wait until it's dry, as I don't want to be spreading diseases.

I also sprayed the okra and eggplants with the Surround and potassium bicarbonate again - most of it washed off the plants, of course, at least the top parts, and I wanted to get them coated again, and it gave me something to do before the AC came back on! I sprayed everything else but the tomatoes - many had new growth since last weekend, so there was nothing to wash off. And except for with heavy rain, like today, it stays on well.

While the power was still out, I decided to do what I could outside, and I uncovered one of my pepper containers - the one with the Pepperdew, and 3 of the Aji peppers in it, which are growing nearly to the top - and snipped off the tops of all those (some of those you can see in the pot!). This should make them branch out down below. They all have generous flower buds, but only a few flowers, and no peppers yet, but it's early.
ImageOne of the pepper covered EBs uncovered, 6-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I'll check my tomatoes again tomorrow, after they dry off. Hopefully, there wasn't much more damage than I saw.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23101Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:48 pm

Only a couple small damaged areas I didn't see before, so it wasn't too bad - could have been much worse.

Got my first eggplant today! An Ichiban, 9.1 oz. They are always the first to produce.
ImageFirst eggplant on Ichiban, 6-21-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23434Unread post pepperhead212
Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:47 pm

I didn't harvest anything today, but two cukes are getting close, and a number of eggplants are close to harvest time (more Ichibans).
ImageOne of first two cukes, 6-23, a Wisconsin 58, new to me this year. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageSecond of first two cukes, a County Fair, 6-23 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And that one bottle gourd plant has at least 5 vines on it! The second plant in this SIP is only a few weeks old, and just getting started.
ImageBottle gourd, almost all one plant, with the smallest one started a few weeks ago, 3 leaves behind. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The bitter melons were the slowest gourds to germinate (as usual), and I had given up on a few seeds, and re-planted, and some of the early ones germinated! I'm really not in need of more, but I don't want to lose these seedlings, so I dug them up, and planted them in one of my raised beds! I figure I can always trade them at the Indian place - that guy likes getting things from my garden! And I want to save seeds from at least one variety.

Still no tomatoes, as even the cherries are dragging their feet ripening. Growing great, and, KOW, unlike last season, no sign of any fungal disease - by this time last season, most had come down with something, due to the non-stop rain. Here's one row, which in I just trained a bunch through the trellis.
ImageOne of my rows of toms, after training the vines into the trellis, 6-24 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23566Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:12 am

It's all looking good! And it seems you've had your problems with wind too.... heavy sigh.

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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23702Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:09 pm

Yeah,[mention]GoDawgs[/mention] , and we're supposed to have another one of those storms today, with wind up to 60 mph. :( They are supposed to be spotty, so hopefully, I'm not one of the spots!

Harvested my first okra today - 5 of the Little Lucy ones. I left the first 2 on one, and the first one on another, since they were the first, and those plants were the largest two, so I figured I'd save the seeds from those, since there are no flowers on the Emerald yet. They are all at least 8", so I'll have a lot of seeds!

That Emerald has recovered well, and has flower buds, but LL is still way ahead. Pretty soon, I'm going to have more than I know what to do with them, having 50% more than last year!

First 3 cukes harvested the last two days. And a few days ago, I uncovered another of my pepper EBs - the one with the Hanoi Markets, and some Aji peppers. They had all grown to the top of the cover, so I snipped them, to get them to bush out. All had flowers, but no peppers yet, but it's really early. I've never heard of pepper varieties referred to as "potato leaf", but this Aji Amarillo had the largest leaves of any pepper I've ever seen, and every leaf was like that!
ImageAji Amarillo with the large leaves, Aji Panca with the smaller leaves in front, both about 3 ft tall by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageAji Panca on L, 2 Hanoi Market on R, both grown up to the top, about 3 ft. 6-25 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Many years ago, before I found out that I could prevent pepper maggots by covering prone varieties, I tried some Aji varieties, and they were some of the most prone varieties I had grown, so I never grew them again. Until this year, and I have 6 varieties, all under cover! Hanoi Market, jalapeños, poblanos, Superthai, and Numex are others very prone to pepper maggots, that I have to grow covered, up to around 8-1 every year.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23717Unread post MsCowpea
Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:01 pm

Your peppers look great. Luckily we don’t have pepper maggots that I know of. Will look them up to see what they are.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23739Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:21 pm

[mention]MsCowpea[/mention] If you've had these, you know it! Actually, I think my area is one of the worse areas for it, and the problem where I am is a native weed - Horsenettle - that is found around wetlands, and I live about 150 yards from a creek. This is one plant that this thing will breed on, and it is found in this region. Friends of mine, that are nearby, but not close to any wetland, have no pepper maggots.

They lay white eggs, the size of a small pinhead, on the skin of peppers (they supposedly also like ground cherries, eggplants, and tomatoes, but I never had any other plants with them). You won't even know they are in there initially, as they are minute, but as the peppers ripen, the maggots create tunnels inside, and when cut open, the damage is obvious! For many years I would set up a hoop house for the prone varieties, but now I do it with EBs. Much better, as aphids and other things were a problem, under the hoop house cover.

Around 7-20, or thereabouts, I set up some new yellow sticky tape, as this is about when they die off, and stop reproducing around here. If I see no more of them by around 8-1, I can remove the covers; if any more show up (it may be one or two), I'll wait another week, but it almost never happens. Earlier in the season, however, they show up, sometimes in large numbers.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23751Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:59 pm

No tomatoes ripe here yet, but I'm starting to get a bunch of cucumbers and eggplants, and today the okra started producing. Those Wisconsin 58 cucumbers are doing very well. They are a pickling variety, which was new to me, and I picked 3, so far, when they seemed to stop, at about 6", or a little longer, and the seeds were just barely forming:
ImageFirst Wisconsin 58, on 6-25. 6 inches long, not at all bitter. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The Ichiban eggplants are covered with eggplants, as well as flowers. The other varieties are behind, but the hari has some fruits forming, and flowers all over it!
ImageTwo more Ichiban harvested on 6-27 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageThe Indian green Hari eggplants, starting to form. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

No flowers on the bottle gourds yet, but one variety is above the top of the trellis, with 2 more vines starting. The ones behind didn't grow straight up, but one plant has 6 vines, so far!
ImageOne of the bottle gourd vines, past the top of the trellis, 6-27 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

First okra harvest, Little Lucy. Only 5, one getting a little fibrous, but they are getting loaded!
ImageFirst okra harvest, 6-27, the light colored one left on a little long. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23865Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 pm

I harvested my first ripe tomatoes today, but I don't count them, as they had slight BER, and were probably triggered by stress of drying of the SIP they are in, the only one that dried up, fortunately, due to an emitter clogging. I look at them every day, of course, but by the time they were wilted, the damage is done. They recover, visually, but this is one of the causes of BER. I checked, and no more of the green tomatoes had signs, and hopefully, that will be all.
ImageHarvest on 6-28. The ripe tomato is Big Beef, but has slight BER, so does not count as the first. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I got some more cukes and EP; I would have left the EP a little longer, but picked those to add to the 2 from before, to make Szechwan eggplant with - first thing I make when I get 2 lbs of eggplants. And here's a VERY large scallion that I will cut up for that dish. It looks like a large leek!
ImageA very large scallion! by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 23994Unread post pepperhead212
Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:56 pm

First ripe tomatoes! The sunsugars started, and one Big Beef, which may have been caused by stress, however, as the tomato was growing into the trellis wire. But no BER!
ImageFirst sunsugars ripening! 6-29 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFirst Big Beef ripening. 6-29 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 24294Unread post pepperhead212
Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:08 pm

It's tomato time! I always consider myself lucky to get anything ripe before 7-4, besides cherries. Once they start, it's hard to keep up with them!

In this photo, there are a few Cherry Bombs with the Sunsugars, but they aren't as large asthe ones last year. Matina was the first red one (besides the stressed ones); not really large, but not a cherry! I wouldn't have picked those 3 super light ones, but they were sort of stuck around the red ones, and fell off - they'll ripen, since they're blushing. And the smallest black Prime Rib had some BER, since it was sort of growing against a wire (I try to prevent this, but it's hard to see all of them!).
ImageIts starting! The Sunsugar and Cherry Bomb are getting a few more, the first Matina ripening, and the first black Prime Ribs. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I think this is day 67, from the transplant date, so this is about right, given the delay from the cold snap.
Last edited by pepperhead212 on Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 24552Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:27 pm

I hope that it doesn't make the tomatoes and eggplant drop their blossoms, but it is getting in the 90s every day now for the foreseeable future, after the last 5 days. This usually happens in late July here, not early. However, the okra, hot peppers, and all those Indian cucurbits I have out there are going crazy! I just saw the first tiny squash on one of those Tindas, and harvested another half dozen okras - still early for them. The habanero plants started getting blossoms, though I'm usually lucky to get a ripe one by 8-1. A bunch of jalapeños, but I couldn't uncover the EB today, due to the wind. The winter squash don't seem to mind the heat, either!
ImagePolaris Butternut, showing first flowers, 7-5 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageTwo South Anna butternuts, even larger than the Polaris, just showing flower buds, 7-05 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And here is that moschata squash that can supposedly be used immature, as a summer squash. And it is going crazy - probably the most runners of any of them. Yuxi is my short name for it, and you can see why:
Image2 Yuxi Jiang Bing Gua, spreading well, only starting with flower buds. 7-05 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageBitter melons, starting to take off! 7-05 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

This Tinda gourd was the slowest, at first, but it's taking off now, in this heat, with flowers and a tiny fruit on both.
ImageTinda gourds, starting to send out runners, and both showing the first fruits on both plants. 7-05 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFirst squash found, on one of the Tindas, a tiny one, just under the flower on the right. 7-05 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Got a couple more ripe tomatoes today, from Matina, and a few more first ripening ones. The bad ones were the Anahu and Mountaineer Pride, from which I pulled about 20 BER total. Often these are the first tomatoes, but most of these were the ones on the upper branches - like they had too many fruits on them. only a few, here and there on others.
Last edited by pepperhead212 on Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 24644Unread post pepperhead212
Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:30 pm

Besides the garlic and eggplant that I harvested today, I harvested 2 of my Little Lucy okra pods, about 8 inches long, that I let grow out for seeds. They had gotten woody, and I didn't want them to get soaked in that rain today! Still two more out there, but they have to be left a little longer. Both are on the tallest plants, and there were no Emerald flowers, when these were set, so no crossing.
Image2 of my saved Little Lucy pods, that I let almost dry on one plant, and picked these today, so they would be dry. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 25031Unread post pepperhead212
Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:06 pm

I opened my 3rd covered pepper Earthbox today, and harvested my first jalapeños! :) Besides the 3 jalapeños, this box also had 2 Superthai and one Byadagi - a relatively mild Indian pepper, that I figured would need protection from the pepper maggots. The Superthais have a lot of peppers, too, but they are one I ripen and dry all of the time, though I'm sure they would be good fresh, too. The Byadagi only had flowers, so far.
ImageThe 3rd covered pepper EB, with 2 Superthai, 3 Jalapeños, and one Byadagi. Uncovered on 7-09. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageSuperthai peppers - largest plant in the EB, and getting a lot of peppers on it! 7-09 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFirst jalapeños of the year! 7-09 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I also saw my first flowers on my bottle gourds today! The peduncle of these flowers is incredibly long, both males and females, though males are longer. They are night opening flowers; it was still bright out, but I didn't see any pollinators on them - this was about 7 pm, so early ones are still in, and night pollinators aren't out yet. So I did it with a q-tip - what I usually do early on.
ImageFirst female blossom on a bottle gourd, 7-09 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageMale blossoms of a bottle gourd. 7-09 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

These tinda gourds are another gourd on steroids! The number of side shoots is incredible on both plants. If they work out, I might try cloning them, as they begin flowering quickly after vining. On the topic of cloning, I have four cucumber clones started - I took 2 cuttings several days ago, dipped them in 2 different rooting gels, just to see, and both looked like they were dead the next day! But they recovered some by the second day, and began getting greener, and growing in 3 days, and even more today. After those first two showed that they could come back, I took two more cuttings, and the same thing happened! Here's a photo of the first two, with one that looks almost dead above them. But that one, and the other are coming back, since this photo, and the roots are over 4" long now, with just one day since these photos!
ImageClones, cuke in back starting out bad, like the two in front of it looked before! Those are now rooted. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageRoots just started up on the cucumber clone, 7-08 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2020 garden


Post: # 25248Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:15 pm

9 more cucumbers today, 5 dark ones all from the one County fair. Still a bunch of all different sizes on the two Wisconsin 58s.
ImageCucumbers on 7-12, all 5 below from one County Fair! by pepperhead212, on Flickr

More tomatoes today, but only the ones in the shade - I'm waiting for the other side to get out of the sun! The Green Tiger is just starting to ripen, while some years it has ripened before sunsugars.
ImageTomatoes on 7-12, green tiger just starting to ripen. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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