Shule's houseplant lists

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Shule's houseplant lists


Post: # 39713Unread post Shule
Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:39 am

Here's a list of houseplants that we currently have:
* A grapefruit tree (I grew it from a seed in the nineties.)
* Some Thanksgiving and Christmas cactuses
* Several Golden Pothos
* A rubber fig
* An umbrella tree (Schefflera)
* A snake plant
* An unknown species of Aloe that gets very large (but is currently young)

Here's a list of some houseplants we have grown before:
* Jade plants
* Aloe vera
* A large Aloe (the one we have now is one of its pups)
* A dark bluish green Aloe with protruding white fuzzy spots
* Ivy (probably English ivy)
* Inchplants (solid green; I believe they were inchplants, at least; I knew them as Wandering Jews at the time)
* At least one more snake plant
* Chlorophytum (the standard variegated C. comosum and a solid green kind)
* African violets
* A red flowering Geranium
* Swedish ivy (I think that's what it was; we called it Creeping Charlie)
* Pothos (probably another Golden Pothos, and maybe a solid green one)
* Heartleaf Philodendron, or similar
* At least one or two arrowhead plants
* What must have been some kind of prickly pear
* A vining cactus that you could root in water
* Avocado trees
* a number of others

Houseplants I'd like to grow next:
* Tradescantia (vining ones with small, rounded leaves)
* Callisia
* Plectranthus
* Kaffir lime
* Hedera (especially English ivy)
* Chlorophytum
* more Pothos
* Stapelia (my grandma used to have a plant that looked like one in an east window, and it was awesome)
* Coleus
* thornless vining cacti, and more holiday cacti
* vining Philodendrons
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Post: # 39762Unread post Rockoe10
Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:55 am

Have you given any thought to Bonsi? Many of the house plants you've listed could be made into lovely Bonsi "Trees".

English Ivy is especially suitable
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Rob, ZONE 6A with 170 days between frost dates, Western Pennsylvania

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Re: Shule's houseplant lists


Post: # 39792Unread post Shule
Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:49 pm

[mention]Rockoe10[/mention], I haven't! I had no idea you could do that with a vine like ivy. I've had a terrarium before but I've never tried a bonsai tree. That gives me an idea.
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Re: Shule's houseplant lists


Post: # 39798Unread post Rockoe10
Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:20 pm

I'm glad 😁. My youngest brother and I used to do these kinds of things with Bonsai growing up. You can make just about anything into Bonsai. I have a Lemon tree i grew from seed with that exact intention. 14 years later, and several life changing experiences, its now 6 feet tall lol.

My brother had an ivy bonsai, and it was beautiful. Doesn't take nearly as long to create. He past away a few years ago and I miss doing those projects. Maybe I'll start one this year. Perhaps using a tender perennial this time. Would drastically shorten the time it takes, but I'm not sure what the result would be.
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Rob, ZONE 6A with 170 days between frost dates, Western Pennsylvania

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Re: Shule's houseplant lists


Post: # 57480Unread post Shule
Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:56 am

My sister gave me a spider plant that she had gotten from the store on Saturday, on Saturday.

It appears to be Chlorophytum comosum (the kind that is darker green on the edges and lighter or white in the middle).

I had been wanting a spider plant again for many years. I just transplanted it into a larger pot, today (and potted some pink-flowering Christmas cactus cuttings I had rooted in water).
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Re: Shule's houseplant lists


Post: # 57482Unread post Julianna
Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:08 am

I love houseplants.i used to have a really extensive epiphytic cacti collection, but then I gave almost all of it away when I thought we were moving overseas.
10a Monterey Bay
Lover of Fogust, tomatoes, flowers, and pumpkins

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