Dawn's garden, 2021

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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 44561Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:35 am

I've learned that I love and hate this greenhouse. I love not hang to deal with shelves and grow lights, I close it at night, turn off the heater, open in the morning, turn off heater, and the sun does the rest. I hate how stupid it is in the wind. A couple weeks ago, we had a massive wind storm. I knew it was coming, brought all the plants in and put them on folding tables in my living room. Wind blew like mad, nearly tore the greenhouse apart, several connectors actually broke. It went back together, everyone was happy. Tonight, tomorrow, WIND! Not as bad as last time, but I got nervous, and brought the plants in again. Plus, it's gonna be cold the next 2 nights
I know it's windy here, I was just hoping it would fare a little better than it has. I found a video (several, actually) on youtube, from someone in Sweden who built a huge cold frame, and stuck a couple small heaters in there. I seems much better for a windy climate than what I'm working with, and much more affordable than a real greenhouse. He used plastic for the top, but I'm going to try and source some old windows and/or glass doors. Hopefully, I'll be able to work something like that out for next year.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 44641Unread post Growing Coastal
Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:38 pm

That's a lot of seedlings to keep shuffling around.
It's been an awfully windy spring, so far this year. Anywhere near the water and it feels like cold knives in the ears. Looking forward to some warmer wind? with sunshine next week!

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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 44644Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:10 pm

Three more weeks and I'll be planting some and selling the rest, I'll make it πŸ˜‚. Weather starts getting really nice next week, I'll start planting some of it then.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 44752Unread post Dawn
Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:11 am

The weather sure looks like tomato planting weather this week. I've always played mid April. My plants grow fast, and by the time it's mid May when everyone is planting, I'm getting tomatoes forming. Last year, we had some freak weather during that time, which I know is why you're supposed to wait, but I really want to plant them πŸ€”πŸ˜‚.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 44924Unread post Dawn
Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:55 am

Mapping out my garden. In the past, I've had a rule that similar tomatoes can't go next to each other (can't get confused with each other when the plants intertwine). They'll be more spread out than they've been in the past, but I decided to stick with that rule this year, I think I did ok. Cherries in the back, because it's against a fence, last year those tomatoes struggled. Cherries can handle anything (and I don't love them as much as big tomatoes, and summers are 100 degrees and I will probably get sick of picking them at some point). To the right of the tomatoes will be peppers, then summer squash. The rest of the plants will go in the side garden, where the greenhouse lives. When the seedlings are done with the greenhouse, I'm going to take the plastic off and use the frame as a trellis for cucumbers and beans. Should look kinda cool.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45021Unread post Dawn
Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:20 pm

I have a broken puppy ☹️. He got attacked by my sister's dog. He's ok, his skin was torn, and they had to fix him in surgery. He has lots of staples and a drain. I got a BIG vet bill, thankful now that I hadn't spent much of my most recent stimulus check, I was able to cover it. He was so sad and broken yesterday, it made me so sad. But today he's probably 50% normal. He wags his tail again and wanders around the yard and lays in the sun.

That wasn't garden related.

I live in a small town, and had to take him to the bigger small town πŸ˜‚, to the vet there. While there, I stopped at home depot and found a good deal on some garden soil to help fill my raised beds. I bought 2 raised bed kits last fall, and didn't want to pay tons of money to fill them, so over the winter, I put the unfinished compost from my compost pile in one, and put all my kitchen scraps, rabbit poo, used up rabbit hay, etc in the other. Plan was to top them with soil and plant in the first few inches. The old compost one will be for root veggies, the other for greens. They're both largely in the shade. I don't know how well everything will do in these this year, but next year, they should have some pretty good soil. I completely expect potatoes to sprout in both of them. I finished the greens bed yesterday, I really should have planted them weeks ago. I planted red and green romaine, arugula, mustard greens, kale, mesclun mix, purple basil, white celery, and mizuna. The rabbits will eat anything I don't.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45023Unread post bower
Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:07 pm

So sorry about your pup, Dawn! Hope the rest of spring is smooth sailing.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45047Unread post peebee
Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:53 pm

Awww, poor doggie, I hope he recovers fully especially from the mental trauma. I know you'll take good care of him Dawn πŸ™‚
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45049Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:56 am

The dog who did it has never ever bit another dog. It was a fluke thing where his foot got caught in a blanket, and he squealed, and 2 of the big dogs went after him, my bigger dog, Sam, has a history of fighting, so my sister grabbed her first, then the other one, her dog, just nailed him. I got to her right away and stopped it, but the damage was done. We never thought she'd do that ever. Due to the severity, though, they won't be together again. Rocko only really likes my other small dog, Harley, anyway, so he's cool with it.

Rocko is doing much better, I called him a puppy, but he's 7. They're always puppies when they're hurt.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45050Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:02 am

The boys in happier times πŸ˜‚, Rocko is thinking he'll steal his brother's easter basket.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled gardening posts πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45125Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:19 pm

Tomatoes destined for my own garden, there are a few more.
All of my plants
Luffas, cucamelons, tomatillos, and a tomato or 2
Peppers and eggplants
Plant sale plants, there are more. There are 400 total
My tundra plant that likes to look like it's dying (it's not)
Stump of the world, looking awesome
Last year, I planted a row of Henry Wilde sunflowers, they were beautiful. I hoped they'd re-seed, holy cow, did they ever! Most that part of my yard looks like this:
Then there's this 🀣
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45285Unread post Dawn
Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:24 am

The last several nights, the greenhouse had been open and unheated overnight. The plastic tubs have been able to sit out, uncovered overnight. But tonight, it gets down into the mid 30s, so everyone is tucked back in, with the heater on. Tomorrow night will be the same, but after that, I expect smooth sailing.

Rocko is doing awesome! Got his drain out today, which is where most of his discomfort was stemming from. It was in the front of his chest, so if he tried to lay down, it moved and hurt, it was really bothering him last night. He feels so much better now! He looks like something from a horror movie, with all those staples, but he feels better.

ETA: I think I lost a post, I posted yesterday about finishing garden beds, etc, maybe I didn't submit it
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45288Unread post MrBig46
Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:45 am

It's sad when someone in the family has problems. And with animals, it's even sadder. They just look at you sadly and are not able to complain. I sympathize with Rocko and hope it will be OK soon.

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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45377Unread post Dawn
Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:35 am

My dad decided to plant a garden this year, he bought a portable greenhouse, similar to mine, but bigger. He has like, 10 plants in it. I brought him some tomato plants at Easter, but he's not a very good gardener (sorry, dad), so I only brought 4. I went to visit today and he had peppers and cucumbers in the ground (it's too cold). Brassicas, which should be fine. Then we went to look in the greenhouse and the tomatoes were in an inch of water. My dad doesn't really like to be "corrected", so I didn't dump the water out, just made a mental note to wait until planting time to give him tomatoes πŸ˜„. He does have a watermelon plant in there that's in a big pot and doing very well.

Rocko is doing awesome!

My greens are emerging, I don't know what these are, I didn't mark them πŸ˜„, I'll figure it out when they all come up.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45504Unread post Dawn
Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:04 pm

A few of my plant sale plants, 1 week from the sale. Some plants are small still (not these ones), but they grow fast, so I think in a week they'll be big enough.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45568Unread post Dawn
Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:05 pm

I got some old glass freezer doors for free on facebook today! I'm going to find a way to make these into a cold frame next year. Or get more and make a greenhouse. They're 23" x 64". There's another big piece of glass with them, a little wider and shorter. I'll figure it how to make them work together.

As for the plastic greenhouse, I'm going to take the cover off after I'm done with it this season, and use it as a trellis for cucumbers and luffas.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45597Unread post Dawn
Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:02 pm

When potting up my sister's bell peppers, I did a bit of an experiment. Back half were planted in Miracle Gro potting mix, front half in Expert Gardener (Walmart generic) potting mix. They both claimed to "fertilize for 6 months". The expert gardener was only about a dollar cheaper, and looked pretty junky, like sand mixed with wood chips. The difference is pretty drastic.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45630Unread post MissS
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:45 am

That is a remarkable difference!
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45644Unread post Mark_Thompson
Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:15 pm

Noooo, I just bought three bags of that Walmart cr@p! It was about half the price of the MG one here though. I added perlite and a few other amendments though, so hopefully it isn't too lousy.
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Re: Dawn's garden, 2021


Post: # 45647Unread post Dawn
Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:58 pm

The bag said it was regional, made in different places depending on where you live. Maybe you got better stuff.
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