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Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:40 am
by Rockoe10
My second plant is putting out fruit now. Slightly different looking fruit. Much more round, and smaller.


Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:07 am
by JRinPA
Strange...I posted these last week but it never posted. The text must have saved as it came back up for me. I still haven't gotten better pics, and now it is starting to get dark a little earlier. I figured this out the hard way... Venus is higher in the western sky when it becomes visible now. So it MUST be getting dark earlier. Right? Clocks are overrated, I say.
Last week...
They came late like everything else, but they are making some nice tomatoes. I only have 4 or 5 plants.
It wasn't THAT dark but the flash took the pink out of them. The second one was wedged in tight and can see the squeeze. They taste pretty good. I love the big potato leaves, very striking, though blighty now of course.
Costoluto Genovese
Big Beef
one Cuostralee shifted to back
Stumps in Front

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:10 pm
by Amateurinawe
[mention]JRinPA[/mention] mouth watering , no other word for it !

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:07 am
by JRinPA
I keep getting sidetracked, the dukes mayo has sort of melted in... I went all day without any tomatoes.
That'll do, Stump.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:00 am
by Ginger2778
My mouth just started watering. And it's only 7 am!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:39 am
by JRinPA
Me too, I had to see what you wrote and now I'm hungry for more. Three of the four slices were fantastic, good as it gets.

Thanks so much for those seeds, so I could participate.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:13 pm
by JRinPA
Only one more tomato in the house now...time to hit up the garden. Have to cut some lettuce too.

I took a pic of the tomatoes whole and sliced, and then laughed when I felt how heavy my plate was (oh yeah, all mine), started laughing and had to take the sandwich pic too. lol It's a mystery to me how pink and orange tomatoes can both taste so similarly excellent, looking so different.

Stump and SOO

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:19 pm
by MissS
Oh dear! Talk about drooling...

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:20 pm
by Vanman
Now that looks good. What is SOO?

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:42 pm
by Amateurinawe
I'm free tomorrow for breakfast!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:17 pm
by JRinPA
I wish I could send everyone some...just as hard to do that, as it is for me to eat these anytime but July August September.

SOO is the orange tomato, sweet ozark orange. I'm setup right now for growing about 160 stems - at 6" spacing per each. I supplied the CRW wire supports with a little over 100 transplants, so about 60 ended up double stemmed, about 40 single stemmed. As much root per stem as practical, is my thought. The harvest is spread out over time just as the flowers are formed over time along each stem. Of the 100 plants, 26 were Cuostralee, 16 were SOO, ~5 were Stump, ~8 Black Krim. Just one of each color for simplicity. Those were the four main ones I figured for sandwiches. . So 55% main season slicers. The other 45% was grown primarily for sauce.

Here are the Stump of the World, tonight. Still a bunch on there. July was very dry, but they got some drip. August has been very wet. The SOTWs grew about 5-1/2 to 6 ft in total, in the row/end with the least sun advantage. Looking closely, it seems I cheated my spacing and squeezed an extra Stump stem onto the crosswire grid (3rd from right, rightside stem) with the big sucker after the first flower truss.
It is always hard for me to thin out a strong plant...
Next year I will have more Stump seeds, so will probably grow more of them. When these nicely toned - and handsomely formed - pinks are ripe, I can tell. I like that. I have a hard time with the purple/black tomatoes. If they don't look ripe, I don't pick, and end up with a large percentage end up split. Or I pick to eat too early, and they just don't taste great. While I've grown Stump of the World before, I wasn't sure about the trueness, or even the location, of my saved seed. These plants are from the seed sent up from Fla. by [mention]Ginger2778[/mention].

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 6:21 am
by Ginger2778
JR, they look very true to form. And lovely.
That Sweet Ozark Orange is not to shabby either!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:45 pm
by goodloe
I really like your growing setup, [mention]JRinPA[/mention] . NICE!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:24 am
by JRinPA
Thanks, I love it, really holds up to the wind. I can send you more pics/info if you want. This is the second tomato year with this A trellis - I have used similar for peas for some years. It is a bit unwieldy to set up. Still, I think my days of a single plant in the middle of the cage and letting it go nuts, are past, at least for sandwich types. If I could not use this next year, I'd go back to my CRW cages, but plant multiple tomatoes around the outside/radius and limit stems the same way. For a few years I used Florida weave, but the weave would bow by mid August with weighty tomatoes, blow over in the wind, and the blighty leaves dropping off would let the stems slide down through the weave. Plus, I'd run burn through a lot of that twine.

It's just great to start our own seeds though...if I had to buy plants for that same area, it would be like 12 plants, not a 106! And they wouldn't be Stump and SOO and Cuostralee...

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:08 am
by goodloe
[mention]JRinPA[/mention] , Yes, I'd like more info and pictures! I use 24" CRW cages elevated on T-posts to 7 ft, and put 3 plants around the outside...

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:33 am
by JRinPA
Maybe I got that idea from you then, if you posted it before. I'll pm you when I have a chance, Sept 1, gets busy here.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:54 pm
by HL2601
I am late to post for the grow out results- part of that is me. Part of it is that MY SOTW just was sooo late. i wanted to participate because it feels good to celebrate someone who did a lot for tomato people and was just a kind person. My results were heart driven but my tomatoes are JUST ripening on a windowsill. Ha! Here's to Remy!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:09 am
by MissS
@HL2601 Remy is sure to be smiling looking down on those!

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:34 pm
by HL2601
And here they are ripe and ready for a November (!) BLT.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:30 pm
by MissS
@HL2601 they look oh so yummy. Enjoy that sandwich. It is sure to be a great one!