The Dawg Patch

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118424Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:11 am

Yesterday I worked on the pea beds. I already had the trellis posts in on each side of the beds with a double row of peas down each side.

24.03.10 Pea patch.JPG
24.03.10 Pea planting.JPG

Yesterday I tied an 8x1x1 pole to each like you can see done on the big trellis behind the pea beds in the first pic. Those will support the in-row trellises. Then I added more t-posts with the wood poles attached around the whole two bed area to support the deer netting we'll hang today. It will look like a forest of poles!

The peas are up about an inch now and so I carefully mulched between each row and along the outside. That took some time but it will keep the ground cool and so keep the nematodes asleep as long as possible. Hopefully there will be a lot fewer since brassicas had been planted there.

While I was messing with the peas, Pickles removed a few more grape fence posts while the ground is soggy. But there are some that refuse to budge. Today's trip to town will include a stop at Tractor Supply to get a t-post puller. Should have had one a long time ago! But I suspect there are some big roots keeping the anchor plates down so we might end up digging down to cut them if that's the case. We'll see.

Gardening is always an adventure!
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118499Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:10 am

Yesterday we finished the pea beds. Pickles helped me get the trellis fencing attached to the posts. The fencing is hung from nails in the wooden poles that are tied to the t-posts and then I tie the fencing to the posts. Then while Pickles went to play with the new t-post puller I got the netting hung around the two bed area. Again, the netting (hard to see in the pic) was simply hung from nails in the wood poles. And this time I left a little open room at the bottom so the weedwhacker wouldn't get caught up in the netting. It looks like a forest of poles!

24.03.12 Pea beds, netting installed.JPG

Another change I made this year was to make a "door" for access to the beds. I hung a 4x4' fence panel from nails in the posts so it's easily removed.

24.03.12 Pea beds, fence panel 'door'.JPG

Last year we got 15 lbs of shelled peas from two beds! That was almost double the usual yield. I've tried to pinpoint why so it might happen again but can't find a reason unless it was a big reduction in nematode activity. One of those beds had brassicas planted there the previous fall. Of this year's two pea beds, one had brassicas there all fall and recently removed and the other had brassicas there last spring and legumes there this past fall. We'll see. If it seems to make a difference, spring peas will always follow fall brassicas.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118578Unread post GoDawgs
Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:21 am

Late yesterday afternoon I planted out six more kohlrabi, four more chards and two more collards so I'm pretty caught up now with transplanting what's ready. These are kohlrabi.

24.03.13 Kolibri L, Blauerspeck R.JPG

The garlic is coming along nicely. At the far end of the bed is the patch of daikon radishes.

24.03.12 Garlic with daikon patch at rear.JPG

I pulled the last daikon radish yesterday from the first Sep 9 planting after noticing that it was starting to bolt. It weighed a bit over 1 lb. Then I saw that the second planting (Sep 30) was bolting too without having formed any radishes. It's that darned whipsaw weather. Unfortunately there will be no more daikons until fall. Any started now will be hot.

24.03.12 Daikon bolting with no radish formedd.JPG

And finally, the first pheasant eye daff is blooming, right on time.

24.03.13 First Pheasant Eye Daff.JPG

Speaking of being right on time, Pickles got the hummer feeders ready to hang out. The migration map shows some in south Georgia and in Savannah and Charleston and they usually show up here around the 21st. Time to hang a few out and keep watch!
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118648Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:01 am

It's almost Yellow Menace time... the deluge of pine pollen. I'm starting to see a light film of it on my car windshield. And the pollen catkins are swelling for the eventual release of their cargo. I tapped the branch and no pollen came out. Later on if I tap the branch there will be clouds of yellow!

24.03.13 The dreaded pollen monsters almost ready.JPG

Shade status: None to report yet but the buds on the oak tree that this branch belongs to are swelling fast. They will become baby leaves soon. I thought that this year I'll track the progress of shade by taking pics of this branch's shadow.

24.03.13 No signs of shade yet.JPG

Pickles got all the grapevines cut out of the last section of fence. Next step is fence removal, then post removal. That elephant is getting smaller. :)
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118737Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:40 am

On Feb 22 I planted some bush bean seeds in a three gallon pot of that herbicide tainted compost that really damaged my tomato plants last year. Those buckets were dumped in a pile with the hopes that a year of sitting out in the rain and sun would degrade the nasty and become useful for using again. So far the foliage looks really good, especially the newest foliage.

24.03.15 Test beans in herbicide soil.JPG

They're growing under the lights right now and get some morning sun from the window but now outdoor temps are getting up to where I can put the pot outside on the porch during the day or even leave it outside at possible. Tomato plants won't be set out until around April 23 so there's still a lot of time to see what happens to the beans.

The grapevines and fence along the top pof the garden (on the right) and about 20' down the north side (in front) are now gone with just a few stubborn posts left. Wow, that really opens up the view!

24.03.15 All fencing gone now.JPG

The next step will be to cut back the far crape myrtle to about 6', a drastic reduction but one that will eliminate the shade that has made the top two beds on the far side about unusable. You might be able to see some orange tape on the near corner crape indicating some outward leaning stems that will be removed.

Speaking of crape myrtles, as they get old the multistems merge and become a single trunk. These crapes are about 25 years old. Here's a closeup of the trunk on the corner one in the rear of the photo. If you go around the bottom 3' of trunk you can still see some indentations showing where the individual stems used to be.

24.03.15 Crape stems merge into one big trunk.JPG
Other than adding beds this is the biggest garden project in years. It's time.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 118891Unread post GoDawgs
Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:44 am

Yesterday was a good day to get the next step done in spring gardening prep, washing the buckets for tomatoes, a few eggplants, a dill and one for zinnias. Pickles sprayed out any old soil, I scrubbed them and then Pickles rinsed them. They're upside down on the pallet row to dry.

24.03.17 Tomato buckets washed for new year.JPG

This week I need to visit my freebie pallet source and get some new ones to replace those that have rotted out. Sometimes if they're good sturdy pallets they last for two seasons while the lightweight cheaply made ones only last one season. Sure wish I could find some free plastic ones! And, of course, I need to load up on flattened cardboard boxes at the grocery to lay under the pallets for weed control.

There's an old non-producing pear tree in the photo, seen through the gap in the row of buckets. That's on the "to be cut down" list. It wouldn't take long to drop and buck up. The tree never really produced anything as I think the upper grafted part died a long time ago and the rootstock took over. Removing it will let a bit more sunlight in for the tomatoes.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119065Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:45 pm

Today I got the henbit pulled out of two more empty beds. One of those is finally dry enough to fork up so that will happen tomorrow as rain is supposed to come in for Friday and Saturday. I'd like to sow carrots down the side of that bed next Wednesday.

Here's the stash of 1x8x8's I use for trellis poles and cut up into varying lengths for plant stakes. The lighter colored ones in the middle are the 40 I brought home yesterday.

24.03.20 Pole stash.JPG

Three more peppers up today! I was thinking they're being really slow this year. Eight days from sowing. But then I looked up germination times for last year and 2022 and both were eight days! Let's just say patience isn't one of my virtues. :)

The snap peas are up and going in that new bed. I need to take the stirrup hoe to the rest of the bed to scrape up any baby weeds and then mulch. This year I'm doing half Sugar Sprint and half Snak Hero. I've not grown snaps much and am still experimenting with which ones do best here.

24.03.20 Snap peas in new bed.JPG

This is the bucket of peas planted in some of that herbicide tainted soil from last year. The soil has been exposed to the elements since the end of last summer with the hopes that Mother Nature would wash it out. So far the pea foliage looks great. If it's still good come tomato planting time I will incorporate some of that soil into the nursery mix I'm getting as that mix drains really quickly.

24.03.20 Test Beans in herbicide soil.JPG

And finally, we surely are in the middle of pollen season as seen by the footprints on the floor when I came into the house after being outdoors for a while. :roll:

24.03.20 Pollen footprints.JPG
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119129Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:26 am

Happy peas! They're about 4" tall now and starting to send out what will become tendrils to grab onto stuff.

24.03.20 Happy peas.JPG

Yesterday I did get that bed forked where I had hoped to sow carrots down both sides next Wednesday. It's down near the bottom of the garden where ponding happened last month. The top 6" of soil were pretty OK, damp but not soggy. However down about 10" it was pretty wet. We have rain moving in around noon today so I might have to hold off planting the carrots if it's too wet.

In the rest of the garden it was clean up time with henbit removed from four other beds. I pulled out the last remnants of the September turnips as they were rather woody looking and we're using the November turnips now. Speaking of turnips, the baby 2" turnip seedlings look like they did get a bit of cold damage the other day but they should grow out of it. My bad for not covering them. Lesson learned. Adult turnips are OK with some cold but babies aren't.

Today's task is to mow the garden area this morning before rain arrives around noon. After that it's basketball time and NCAA wrestling championship rounds tonight.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119456Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:22 am

Seeds are popping up and it's getting crowded under the lights. Since I grabbed four of my spare fixtures to hang over tall plants in other rooms I need to go get another one to hang over the last empty shelf. I could have started the tomatoes and peppers in smaller containers but this way I don't have to transplant them all.

24.03.23 Tomato and pepper babies.JPG
24.03.23 Tomato and pepper starts.JPG

To make room I moved three eggplants that had about out-grown the lights anyway. They now live elsewhere with the pepper and micro tomato. @Ginger2778, those two eggplants on the right are your Matrosik and Rosita. :)

24.03.23 Eggplants moved to larger area..JPG

Yesterday morning it was 45 with a cold 10mph easterly breeze blowing. I filled the sweet potato window box with potting soil and my hands felt half frozen when I finished! I brought the box inside to warm up. Those sweet potatoes sure wouldn't want to be THAT cold! I'll stick them in the box tomorrow and by the first week of May I'll have nice slips growing.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119468Unread post Ginger2778
Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:14 am

I'm so glad the seeds are doing well for you.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119481Unread post AKgardener
Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:19 pm

All of it looks amazing

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119687Unread post GoDawgs
Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:15 pm

Today was sweet potato starting day. No, not outside! That won't happen until early May. But today I started some in a window box to make slips for planting later. Just a simple window box and potting soil. These are about to be covered.
24.03.28 Starting sweet potatoes for slips.JPG

This morning I was watering that bean plant being grown to test for herbicide in last year's soil. I noticed that there are a few little bitty baby beans starting! I guess beans are maybe self fertile? There sure aren't any pollinators in the house. Maybe some pollen started flying around when I knocked the stems with the watering can sprout. Go figure.

24.03.28 Baby bean on test plant.JPG
24.03.28 Baby beans indoors.JPG

I also sowed carrot seed today on each side of what will be the pepper bed. On one side there's 9' of Danvers 126 and 9' of Napoli. On the other side are 9' of Bolero and 9' of Kuroda.

And finally, this is one tired kitty. Lester went out and about again, leaving sometime between 3-5am and coming home at 11:45 pm.

24.03.25 Lester, Chin up.JPG

We've figured out that he usually takes off right before or after a full or new moon. And although he's a good hunter he stuffs himself with food before he leaves. Smart boy. LOL! When he comes home there's a lot of sleeping going on for the next two days. Must be great parties he's going to!
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119715Unread post Whwoz
Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:33 am

Beans are self pollinated, the majority are pollinated even before the flowers are starting to open is my understanding. Some varieties are capable of being cross pollinated though

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 119726Unread post PlainJane
Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:43 am

Things are really humming along!

Our friend’s orange tabby “The Wu” had a large circle of alternate hangouts that he would regularly visit on his rounds, often staying overnight. Folks would call them with Wu updates like “He was here last night and left this morning; might be headed back to your place.” Sometimes he’d stay put at home for weeks but eventually get wandering again. Seems a miracle that nobody tried to confine or hurt him. He had a lot of attitude and assumed people were his buds. Other cats were ignored as beneath him.
“Never try to outstubborn a cat.”
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120643Unread post GoDawgs
Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:21 am

Ah ha! The first bush beans from those plants I started indoors to test last year's herbicided soil! There were six Provider beans total. A few more coming.

24.04.06 First indoor beans.JPG

The foliage seemed fine and since beans are the veggie most sensitive to herbicide, perhaps I can assume that the soil is OK to use for my tomatoes this year. Perhaps not. I'm always leery of assuming anything so I think I'll just do a couple peppers and full size tomatoes in buckets of a 50/50 mix of last year's soil and this year's potting mix. Time will tell.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120669Unread post GoDawgs
Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:34 pm

PlainJane wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:43 am Our friend’s orange tabby “The Wu” had a large circle of alternate hangouts that he would regularly visit on his rounds, often staying overnight. Folks would call them with Wu updates like “He was here last night and left this morning; might be headed back to your place.” Sometimes he’d stay put at home for weeks but eventually get wandering again. Seems a miracle that nobody tried to confine or hurt him. He had a lot of attitude and assumed people were his buds. Other cats were ignored as beneath him.
This is hilarious! Love the name!

Well, Lester pulled another Wu. Two evenings ago he went out at 9:15 pm and didn't come back until 9:30 last night. I dutifully recorded it on my calendar. It's strange. He's on a 2 week schedule for his out-and-abouts and they coincide with the changing of the moon, both full moon and new moon.

Sometimes he leaves in the evening and sometimes at o-dark-thirty. Regardless he usually punches back in between 9-11 pm. I've also noticed that when it gets near that time he'll sit quietly on the back porch with a far away look in his eyes, like he's contemplating his trip. And the evening before he goes out he stuffs himself with dry food. Might as well go out with a full belly in case hunting's not so good, I guess.

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120682Unread post MissS
Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:14 pm

GoDawgs wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:34 pm
PlainJane wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:43 am Our friend’s orange tabby “The Wu” had a large circle of alternate hangouts that he would regularly visit on his rounds, often staying overnight. Folks would call them with Wu updates like “He was here last night and left this morning; might be headed back to your place.” Sometimes he’d stay put at home for weeks but eventually get wandering again. Seems a miracle that nobody tried to confine or hurt him. He had a lot of attitude and assumed people were his buds. Other cats were ignored as beneath him.
This is hilarious! Love the name!

Well, Lester pulled another Wu. Two evenings ago he went out at 9:15 pm and didn't come back until 9:30 last night. I dutifully recorded it on my calendar. It's strange. He's on a 2 week schedule for his out-and-abouts and they coincide with the changing of the moon, both full moon and new moon.

Sometimes he leaves in the evening and sometimes at o-dark-thirty. Regardless he usually punches back in between 9-11 pm. I've also noticed that when it gets near that time he'll sit quietly on the back porch with a far away look in his eyes, like he's contemplating his trip. And the evening before he goes out he stuffs himself with dry food. Might as well go out with a full belly in case hunting's not so good, I guess.
It sounds to me as if he has some ladies on his mind and that need his attention.
~ Patti ~

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120727Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:06 am

MissS wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:14 pm It sounds to me as if he has some ladies on his mind and that need his attention.
LOL! Lester's fixed so at least if he thinks he's still a ladies man, there won't be any offspring! I think he came from a colony of cats a short way away but he was definitely not feral when he showed up here nine years ago. He was probably one year old at the time. Such a sweetie from the get go. We think he might go visit what cats are left now and then. When he comes home it's rare when he has any scratches from fisticuffs so he must be pretty accepted wherever it is he goes.

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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120729Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:20 am

The sweet potato vines are popping up in the window box on the porch. There should be plenty of slips for planting by the first of May.

24.04.09 Sweet potato vines.JPG

There are some herbs out there too. They got booted from the lights to make room for tomatoes and peppers but they're doing fine outside. Left to right, basil, two sages and a 4 pack of chard. Both of the sages are plain old common sage but I had seed from both Burpee and Ferry Morse so I did one of each just to see if there's any difference. I got the Burpee on sale at the end of last season so it and the FM cost about the same. Since they probably have different seed vendors, I just wanted to see if one came out better than the other.

24.04.09 Basil, 2 sages, chard.JPG

I'm growing some 6-packs of Celebrity tomatoes for a friend and I just sent him a progress photo They're 5-5.5" tall right now.

24.04.09 Don's tomatoes.JPG

Looking at the historical weather data I keep for this area, it looks like once we get past mid April we should be OK to start setting out tomatoes. I think at the end of the week I'll set all of the tomatoes out on the porch to start hardening off.
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Re: The Dawg Patch


Post: # 120831Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:30 pm

We're supposed to get some rough weather here tonight but the garden can really use the rain. I held off watering to see if Mother Nature is going to take care of that.

Meanwhile I saw that the collards were ready for their first cutting so I did that and they're simmering on the stove right now. For spring I only put in two plants, one Vates and one Champion. I've done either one off and on but decided to finally do them side by side. The Vates are on the left, the Champion on the right.

24.04.10 First collard cutting, Vates L, Champion R.JPG

Somehow I hadn't noticed that the carrot fronds were getting tall! So I pulled one and it was a forky critter but the second one was really nice. Now I'm worried I let them go too long and that all the rain we're supposed to get might cause some splitting. These are 'Envy', a hybrid. Wish I could find an heirloom that does that good.

24.04.10 First Envy carrots.JPG

And finally, the snap peas in the new bed are up about 8" now and they've grabbed on to the support. If we get the winds they say we're supposed to get, they'll be hanging on for dear life! I've got some bean for shelling that will go on the other side of the bed in a few weeks. Then I'll be dipping into the MMMM bag to find something to replace the snaps when they finish and hit the road. :)

24.04.10 Sugar snap peas about 8 tall.JPG
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