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Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:38 am
by JRinPA
Another year. Still going strong with the Stumps. Heck of a dry year here. The stumps are tucked in behind flowers so they are hard to see. You have to look close.
SOTW 8/7/22
Looks like it will be another good year for stump of the world. Pretty many set for the next month.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:49 am
by MissS
Stump of the World is another great tomato that you just can't go wrong with.

Re: Memorial Grow out for Remy, Stump of the World

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:44 pm
by JRinPA
They are indeed one of the good ones. They like a lot of sun, too, and I have grown tomatoes that do not do well over at the comm garden. OR117 comes to mind immediately. But these big slicers like stump, cuostralee, and SOO love that full sun.