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Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 1:58 pm
by pepperhead212
Supposed to get to 10° colder than average here (though not near that yet), and we are supposed to be getting over an inch of rain later today, into tomorrow - good, since we are still short on precipitation. I don't have anything overly sensitive out there, and it is not getting close to freezing, but it's still annoying.

Only 48° now, and had a little rain already, but the heavy stuff coming later. Supposed to be 64° on this date! Also too windy to work out there, even if the weather was better. :(

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:52 am
by rxkeith
still getting snow here.

last week was windy and snowy. a half inch of snow forecast last thursday turned into about 5 inches.
we ended up getting about 8 inches over a couple days. wind was causing trouble. saturday morning,
my son and i were going in to work together when we encountered a drift across the entire road, door high on
one side of the road tapering down. my son who was driving said what do we do? i told him blast through, and
don't stop or we're screwed. we managed to make it through, but it was close. what we shoulda done was stop
before the drift, get out of the car, and see how wide the drift was. narrow drifts, you can blast through. its the
wide drifts that take away your momentum, and get you stuck good. we got lucky.

rain yesterday turned to snow last night gracing us with an inch or so of slush. it IS supposed to start getting up in the
40s, and 50s. hopefully, we will see some significant snow melt. can't do anything garden wise till the snow is gone, the
ground is thawed out, and dried up some.
you want to learn to be patient, come live up here.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:17 am
by pepperhead212
A little warmer this morning, but still down to 43° at one time; up to 58° now, and supposedly getting to 66° - almost average for now, and getting warmer tomorrow. Still windy though...

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:48 am
by slugworth
57.2 °F Now
Feels Like 47.5 °F

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 10:37 am
by pepperhead212
Yesterday, it was nice - 75°, and not as windy as it had been, except for a brief time when I did some other things, and ate dinner. Today, the weather is forecast to be a little cooler than yesterday, but not as cold as originally forecast, so 69° is a good day to work in. And only 74° forecast for tomorrow, when originally it was over 80°, and that's too hot this early in the year!

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 11:56 pm
by karstopography
Wind and more wind. The trees knock down a lot of the wind well and the wind feels rather pleasant, but there’s not too many periods fir about 2 months the wind hasn’t beed blowing strongly.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:26 am
by bower
It's been windy here too off and on - at least several days when my garden work was interrupted because too darn windy. Other than that, some dry days in the 40's or at best bumping 50 once or twice, lots of work with pick and fork and rake, prepped last year's garlic beds and planted more grains, just leaving some space for peas to go in a little later. The second batch of grain seeds went in on the 22nd, covered with row cover which is necessary for the critters alone, as all wild things are hungry this time of year.
Now this morning there are a couple cm of snow on the ground and furiously raining, but so far hasn't melted it. Fine by me, good excuse for a day off.
I admit I kind of enjoy these late and light snows, as the garlic is so pretty against the white as it is up about 2 inches.
We are forecast to be stuck in a cool and damp northeasterly flow from this til the first of May ie foreseeable future. Lows at freezing or above, highs in the 40's. It will be a tough week for the tomatoes because without sunshine there's no heat in the greenhouse. I'll keep em indoors if the high for the day doesn't get to 50.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:10 am
by karstopography
@Bower I suppose we both have a climate dominated by the water, but the water here is currently around 24° C and yours I suppose is closer to 2°. Looks like y’all currently have a low pressure system just offshore bringing in air from the frigid north.

Our weather is currently under the sway of big low pressure systems that cross the continent at the mid latitudes from West to east and tap into and draw moisture and flow from the Gulf of Mexico. That all accounts for the nearly unceasing breezes around here this time of year. Big high pressure has set up somewhere west of Bermuda and the clockwise flow from that spins maritime air all the way here and up into the heart of North America. Pretty normal pattern for here, but it’s been more or less locked in for a long time now. Most the “weather” the energy and rain and clashing air masses are passing by well to the north. Eventually, the tropical weather patterns will creep north and take over the weather here, maybe in June or once summer gets established.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:15 am
by Cornelius_Gotchberg
Yesterday 81°F/27.7°C...just seeded Jericho, Salad Bowl, Gourmet Blend Lettuces, Joi Choy Pak Choi, and April Cross Daikon Radishes.

*Today 63°F/17.2°C

*Tomorrow 46°F/7.8°C falling to 28°F/-2.2°C overnight.

Don't like the weather today...?

The Gotch

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:40 pm
by bower
Indeed @karstopography , for you and I it's all about the water temperature, and whether the wind is blowing onshore or off the land.
In my teens we lived in the Fiji Islands for a couple of years - my last bit of high school. The climate there was as warm as yours and humid and downright wet, as I imagine your coast to be at times. But there is still a difference between island climates and continental. There were plenty of downpours - the rain at times incessant - but rarely anything in the way of thunder and certainly no tornadoes or similar. This is parallel my home here in the north atlantic, that certain weathers very common on the continent simply don't manifest here, or rarely and more weakly. There's something about those water driven systems hitting a big land mass that produces weathers we don't get. The continental systems with thunder and tornadoes are changed over the water, and when they get here to the island they have lost that character. And it was the same in Fiji, so not entirely temperature related. The huge land mass of the continent with its own atmospheric characters produces clashes of energy which we don't see.
Hurricanes are another story, they are very much a water emergent thing and water driven, depending very clearly upon temperature of the sea below.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:43 pm
by rxkeith
it was a beautiful sunny day here in the keweenaw, 62 degrees it got to.
its short lived though. the sky is already clouding up, and the high tomorrow
is only supposed to be about 29 degrees, chance of snow.
rain over the past few days has shrunk the snow a good bit. dover creek is running
rather briskly, you can hear it from the house as the water makes it way to hungarian falls.
things are slowly improving here.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:56 am
by worth1
It's supposed to come a frog drownder at around 7AM and last all day.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:05 pm
by pepperhead212
Cooler today - just into the 60s, today, into the 70s again tomorrow, but then a couple of days in the 50s again, with Wednesday night in the 30s again! This is why I started my tomatoes a few days late - I've been getting warm Aprils, but very cold early parts of May. A few days later is better than having to cover everything.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:55 pm
by JRinPA
Freeze warning here tonight, and windy. The comm garden stuff is on its own, but I went and covered the backyard 30' bed that has lettuce spinach broccoli cauliflower and cabbage. We'll see. The last forecasted freeze didn't appear to affect the pear blossoms, no browning noted, so hopefully they make it through tonight as well. It does feel cold out there with the wind. I left the peppers in the cloche tunnel rather than bring them inside. 100 watt bulb on, and covered the flats with two layers of agribon. The difference between outside and in there is dramatic. Outside, windy, cold dry. Inside, at least 10 degrees warmer and very humid. It showered nicely yesterday afternoon/evening, trout were biting good and it was beautiful to be out in chest waders. That tunnel is sitting on a low raised bed, so the moisture must be from the ground giving that water back into the warmer tunnel. After the nights warm a little more I have more peppers and the tomatoes to ship out there. I started both earlier than usual. I have another cheap troublelight and two proper 2 heat lamp bulbs I could use instead. Those lights and bulbs were originally bought for curing epoxy, I think, 2009 I think when I was boat building. I even have countdown timer I could set to turn off at 8 am.

I'm not looking forward to heat, but it it sure would be less trouble if we could discard anything below 34F this time of year.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:00 am
by worth1
Here's the weather last Monday.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:27 am
by Whwoz
Nearly a frost here a few days ago in everything survived the close call.

On a different note, I am starting to here comments that the La Nina brake down is failing and that we could be in for a third straight La Nina season

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:53 am
by slugworth
in the before times our last frost date used to be april 15th.
We had frost warnings last night

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:16 am
by rdback
Had frost last night. Forecast for tonight as well. Boo.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:33 pm
by Sue_CT
Wow, I have never heard of a last frost date that early for Connecticut, Slugworth. Mine is May11-20. Often have frost after that. ... te-map.php

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:27 pm
by pepperhead212
It's supposed to be cold here for one more night, and I am in a large area that is under a freeze warning, yet there is no frost that is supposed to be in the area, due to the wind we have been getting! It doesn't really matter with the cold, as it is only supposed to get to 37° here, and I have no plants out yet that aren't cold resistant.