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Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:35 pm
by karstopography
@Bower curious here as a person living in a place much closer to the equator, at sea level, therefore much warmer, so what would you say the peak indoor temperature might be?

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:13 pm
by Wildcat82

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:54 am
by svalli
This supposed to be our last day of this week long heat wave and I do really hope that the relief comes soon. Next week looks like something much more comfortable.


With nighttime temperatures outdoors being above 20°C the house has not cooled much during nights from the daytime 28°C even all of the window vents have been open. Our house is built for cold seasons and is not really good for week long heat waves, which we have had during last couple of years. The black steel roof and dark brick siding collect a lot of heat during sunny days.

Tomatoes by the south and west facing walls are thriving but the SWCs need to be filled every evening. Greenhouse is way too hot to spend time in there during the day, so watering and all other work has to be done after 10 pm. Luckily it does not get dark during nights, so I can do all gardening chores late in the evening.

I know that for many of you daytime temperature close to 30°C is just normal summer, but for us it is something extraordinary. There has been a study made that best average temperature for us here in the north is 15°C, so this is a killer heat here.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:35 am
by karstopography
Thunder, lightning, rain here. We need this, been awfully dry.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 6:14 am
by bower
@karstopography I don't have a thermometer usually in the house, although I've seen the thermostat (which is a cheap slider type) hitting it's own top value at 30C when I came home one day after leaving the windows closed. We had some relief yesterday and today with showers and a surprising amount of fog for temperatures in the 20's. But tomorrow looks to hit the highs again, so I'll poach the greenhouse thermometer and see if I can get a reading.
Same as with Sari in Finland, our houses are designed to capture and retain heat, not to shed it. My large south windows are great to catch a few degrees from the sunshine in February, but hard to take with summer temperatures that are beyond the norms. Even in the nineties when this house was built, we would only have the rare day in summer going above 23 C. Only in recent years I've learned to close the curtains to keep the sun out, which I would've laughed at in normal times.
It looks like we also have a respite coming up, with at least a chance of showers every few days and highs peaking at 20 C. Perfect for me.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 6:50 am
by karstopography
@Bower I remember living in Massachusetts when there were the extended heat waves and inside the house would get above that 30°C mark. Seems like the inside temperatures topped 90° once or twice. Central Air conditioning for homes, especially older homes, wasn’t the rule.

I’d keep the house at 80° 26°C or more if I could in the warm season, but I couldn’t also keep my wife if I did that. When I did live single at the beach here I tended not run the window units unless I had company. The house would get into the low 80°s, but the sea breeze would generally not let it get much more than that.

Here, most buildings are far too cold for me in the summer and overheated if we happen to get cold weather in the winter. For my tastes, they also tended to overheat the buildings in Massachusetts in the winter. Heating already winter dry air only makes it drier and literally will desiccate me if given enough time.

Going from a blazing hot day into a overchilled building or vehicle is the worst. The first hot weather in the year we get I notice as uncomfortable, but then something kicks in on my system and I become heat adapted and then only feel right when it is very warm.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:20 am
by GoDawgs
FINALLY! The heat wave has passed. Enjoying mid 80's, cloudy skies and so far two rain showers.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:54 am
by pepperhead212
The heatwave passed up here - 91° yesterday, supposed to be 95° today, and very humid. Low 90s tomorrow, even more humid, with thunderstorms.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:10 am
by slugworth
hot during the day,cool at night.
Monsoon expected tomorrow
82.4 °F Now
Feels Like 84.7 °F

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:56 am
by bower
@karstopography the heat adaptation in our bodies is mindblowing, I learned about it in biology. When the weather shifts to hot, or cold, the lipid composition of your cell membranes has to change. Your cells will switch out more saturated fats for unsaturated in order to maintain the ideal level of fluidity and resistance to osmotic pressure as the temperature soars, and vice versa when the environment is cool. I normally don't keep butter in the fridge, but when it starts to form a pool of melt around it, well I know my cells are working overtime to keep it together. Sudden or unusual temperature changes are stressful and take energy at the cellular level to set aright.
That's just one of probably a thousand things our bodies do to adapt, and one of the things we don't do as quickly or readily as we age.
It is also well known that elderly folks and also infants have trouble regulating their core body temperature, this is why heat waves can be fatal.
When we moved to the tropics in my teens I had no trouble adjusting to the heat. We didn't have air conditioning there either, just a fan or two. My mother was in her 30's then, but she never did adapt well to heat, and was pretty miserable.
But I've been in a cool climate for so long, it is hard to cope with sudden jump in temperature and humidity. (Not that I'm getting older, ha ha).
Both Mom and I also commented when it suddenly got "chilly" ie cool breeze and just below 15C one evening, which would hardly have needed a sweater in normal weather. So although it is slower, the same adaptations are still happening.
I see it in my tomato plants too. They get used to cloudy weather and then freak out when it suddenly turns sunny again. But give em two weeks of sun and they breeze along happy as clams. Speaking of which, time to go water and turn on the fans... the sun is a shinin again!

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:19 am
by bower
Rain!!! :D Never so glad to see a real, true, pelting down pooling up rain. Every living plant in the area is breathing a sigh of relief!

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:39 am
by karstopography
Mostly Sunny, dew point currently 75°. Air temperature 83° at 8:30. Southwest wind kicking in and that means more and greater heat is on the way. Southeast sea breeze cools things down, but wind from the southwest is coming out of the hot semi-deserts of South Texas and Mexico. Looks like that pattern is set for the next 6 days, then some moisture and rain possiblilties increasing.

It’s very, very likely going to be very warm or hot here in the summer, but there are shifts in the nature of the heat and overall weather.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:02 am
by pepperhead212
Yes! We finally got rain! 1.57" here. I was glad I hadn't gotten much rain before the garlic harvest, but it was really getting dry - yesterday, when I 'tilled a section of the garden, it was dry and dusty, except for where there was some moisture from my squash row, but not much! Yesterday, while I was out in the garden, it rained just enough to notice, but didn't register on the guage. This morning it was raining, when I was going to go to Aldi, just before 9 am, and I put it off until tomorrow - nothing I need that bad to go out in that. Humidity is still 90%, so despite the 73° out, it's still disgusting!

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:47 pm
by slugworth
Had to tap the rainwater reserves.
Last rain episode was only 1/8"

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:32 am
by slugworth
I have a portable a/c that I can drain the water out of.
Will have to set that up to tap the moisture in the air.
I sometimes get 4 or 5 gals per day,depending on how humid it is.
Get popeye arms hauling the bucket downstairs and outdoors tho.
No rain in the foreseeable future.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:11 am
by wildcat62
We finally received some very much needed rain this week. I was watering every other day & still losing ground. Our vine crops (cucumbers & melons) look pretty bad but are producing fruit. Picked & ate our 1s ripe tomato (German Queen) yesterday. All varieties of tomato plants are absolutely loaded. We canned 28 quarts of beans this week also. This rain will help immensely.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:12 am
by worth1
105F driving home yesterday.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:48 am
by bower
We are now into a "June weather" pattern, making up for the July we had in June. Highs 18-20 C and nights a little above 50, with some cool breezes. Very pleasant couple of days, good for all kinds of garden work. Warming up next week again with highs into the 23-25C range before humidex.

I saw my first blush on an OUTDOOR tomato today. They honestly were no worse off for temperatures than the ones in the greenhouse, since mid June. A real tomato year for us, for sure.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:52 am
by karstopography
So far we have dodged the triple digit temperatures. Go inland 30-40 miles and it’s Katie bar the door. Today we are supposed to get close, 98°, and that would be the hottest for 2022. Pattern looks to change to something cooler and wetter early next week.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:59 am
by worth1
That school we are working in they have the AC turned off and there is no air movement.
It's like walking into an oven.
You can feel the heat coming off of it in the morning when it's cool.

If I didn't have any respect for school administration before I sure as hell don't now.