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Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:25 pm
by jillian
Sweet Treats (large cherry). Best tomato I have ever eaten in my life!

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:46 am
by svalli
I am impressed of production of with this determinate potato leaf jointless plum variety, which I got seeds with name Kibits. The seeds are originally from a vendor in Ukraine. I grew it first time two years ago and got good harvest. Last year I had one bush in a small hoop house an it did not produce well in that crowded space. This year I gave more room for them and now the ones in greenhouse and outdoors are producing really well. This will be my salsa tomato.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:43 am
by Shule
Sprite impressed me on Monday (due to how many flowers it had in bloom).

Also, my Mexican Yellow cross F3 (the fruits had grown quite a bit since the last time I looked at them).

A few days ago, I was very impressed by Kellogg's Beefsteak (which I think was cross-pollinated by Galapagos Island in 2015 when I grew it last), due to how it was setting fruit on every flower, except one, which dropped, and the freshly bloomed ones.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:42 pm
by Bronx
Campari F2 are my best so far this year. They look and taste exactly like the F1, the plants are loaded with tomatoes and they were the first non-cherry to ripen.

I'm soon going to be in my annual predicament of having too many tomatoes on the kitchen counter and don't know what to do with them all. I usually take a bunch to the break room at work to share, but that's not an option this year. I'm still going in to work but the place is a ghost town.

I bought a dehydrator so I'll be dehydrating a bunch for use this Winter.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:39 pm
by Spartanburg123
Goat Bag. At least for size, I have never grown a larger tomato, even a Big Zac. And these aren't megablooms. I would say the average weight is around 1.5 lbs and they are still on the vine. The largest looks to be well over 3 lbs, it is only a fasciated double. I haven't tasted it yet, but wow what a huge tomato. The singles look like a goat's udder, thus the name.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:41 am
by indysun
karstopography, what varieties were those that you posted pictures of?

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:17 am
by karstopography
[mention]indysun[/mention] the big tomato is Pineapple. I believe there are 3 tomatoes, one about to break, one medium, one small, remaining on that vine, maybe there’s another little one or two tomatoes hiding in there. The uniform clusters are of Carmello. I’ve got 2 plants remaining. The squirrels have really devastated those, but there’s still about a dozen tomatoes remaining on the two plants. The cherry is Lemon Drop. That one is still loaded with fruit clusters and large clusters of flowers. Very tasty that one if allowed to ripen fully. There’s an Amish Paste plant sort of intertwined at the top with the Lemon Drop Cherry, not sure if the heart shaped tomatoes made the photo. Looks like two small, but growing Amish Paste tomatoes remain.

I’ve removed several plants now due to having either zero tomatoes or their being worked over by bugs, but several other plants remain. I had a couple of Celebrity plants, but the worms ate a hole or two on about every tomato remaining on those. I tore those two plants out just so to rid myself of the worms. Hillbilly, Super Fantastic, Lemon Boy, Top Gun, Sugary, San Marzano and Red Grape all still have unblemished fruit, not just a ton and none are now appearing to be setting more except maybe the cherry/grapes. I’ve got one Cherokee Purple tomato about 2/3 grown so that plant remains. Foliage on all of them, for the most part, still looks pretty good in spite of the typical hot and humid conditions. Various levels of worm damage to leaves, but not much if any diseases. Most every plant has received some level of pruning.

The squirrels are really p*ssing me off, though. I was away for 5-6 days and they removed and dined on a large percentage of the best fruit that remained. They still try to get a tomato or two a day. I’m not growing tomatoes solely for the pleasure of the squirrels. They are sneaky and clever and try to get in there with the tomatoes at every turn. They have defeated most of my defensive measures. We, the squirrels and I, are now in a open war and blood has been spilled, both mine and theirs.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:15 pm
by Shule

Isis Candy is impressing me. It has a whole bunch of large cherries and is setting more fruit. It's as I hoped it might be, pretty much. I'm very curious about the taste, and I wonder why people don't talk about it more often.

I have a Napoli cross that is fruiting heavily. It has two shapes of fruit, and I'm not sure which one is the normal one for its genetics, whether it's supposed to be round or like Napoli.

My Jim Dandy cross sure has a lot of flowers per truss again, this year (well over a hundred, by the look of it). Maybe even two hundred.

I'm impressed still by Sprite's flowers (still waiting for the majority of them to turn into fruit, but yeah). I'm glad I put a wire tomato cage on it; it seems the perfect size plant for one, so far.

Bloody Butcher has been setting nicely.

Stellar F2 made a burst of progress in its fruit, a few days ago. (Or else I didn't notice it until then.)

A number of other tomatoes are still impressing me that were already before, too.

It seems a good tomato year, with regard to fruit set and plant growth.

Katja and Cold Black Brandy put on a growth spurt, recently.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:23 am
by Dee
It has been a very cool, very wet summer so far. No sign of a tomato yet; the plants are just launching into "flower" stage. Still, I would have to say that Work Release Paste is impressing me. I'm glad I grew it again this year. It's my third time growing it, and it is always the earliest oxheart-type (a blocky oxheart) for me.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:33 pm
by Tracydr
Carbon copy for my all-time favorite taste. Humph is a beast but I haven’t tried one yet. Loaded with great big green tomatoes.
Also salivating over my first KBX but it’s not quite ready yet. It’s big and pretty,another I haven’t tried yet.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:52 pm
by root_grow
Today it's definitely Vorlon. I just counted 15 baby tomatoes on one plant and 11 on the second plant. There are some cherry varieties out there that haven't even set that many yet!

The first Black Plum ripened today and Pervaya Lyubov is almost there.

Altai Orange, Kodiak Brown and Malinovyi Charodei are also impressively loaded. Sakharnyi Zheltyi has a less favorable spot but is plugging along nicely anyway with the beautiful baby fruits.

And the Snow White cherries are trying to take over the world. :)

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:40 am
by AKgardener
So far is the cowlicks brandy wine there already turning

The Estrina there turning as well

And lastly the bezzass Russian tomato there just getting started

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:15 am
by edweather
Is none of the above an answer :D Mine are done, due to disease, but we had a good spring.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:31 am
by Shule
[mention]edweather[/mention] Yes!

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:07 am
by roper2008
Sunsugar F1

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:12 am
by Labradors
First to ripen in the veggie garden are Madeira F1 and Sweet Aperitif :). (We're already enjoying Maglia Rosa and Patio Taste which were planted early and growing in containers).

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:55 am
by wykvlvr
My Micro Toms. They are only 42 days old and yet all have tomatoes on them ranging from a new baby up to 5 nicely developing tomatoes on one of my plants.... now lets hope my crude attempts to cross them to another variety bears fruit... I should know in a few days as fast as these guys are growing...

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:33 am
by AKgardener
My double tomato on my Siberian curious to see what it ends up looking like

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:21 pm
by KathyDC
My Taiga fruit is just the cutest. This is the first heart I’ve ever grown.

Re: What tomatoes are impressing you, today?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:39 pm
by Sue_CT
I love the hearts. Carolyn started me on those. :)