Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?

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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69847Unread post slugworth
Mon May 16, 2022 7:50 pm

The use of aspirin on plants appears to be beneficial, but the question is: why? Apparently, plants produce minute amounts of salicylic acid on their own when they are stressed. This tiny amount helps plants cope when they are under insect attack, dry, underfed, or maybe even experiencing a disease issue. The component helps boost the plant’s immune system, just like it does for us.
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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69857Unread post slugworth
Tue May 17, 2022 4:23 am

How about a little fire scarecrow?
1/2 of a cotyledon was dried up, so I burned it off with a butane lighter.
Like burning your lawn in the pre air pollution days so it would grow back greener.
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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69881Unread post rxkeith
Tue May 17, 2022 10:52 am

any progress with the plant?

my own experience is that most of the time, the plant never gets past the two leaf stage.
the one time a plant managed to send out a new leader was my zolotoe serdtse. i had one seed sprout.
no additional seeds. i had nothing to lose, so kept it alive. after a long time, i had new growth. the plant
never got big, and only produced one small tomato, but thats all i needed. i saved seeds, and the plants i have
growing now that look pretty healthy came from that one small tomato.


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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69882Unread post slugworth
Tue May 17, 2022 11:45 am

a microscopic true leaf forming.
it doesn't take up much space and I have the lights on anyway,so I will let it stay.
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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69904Unread post slugworth
Tue May 17, 2022 4:04 pm

He was starting to droop, so I had to re-pot and lay it down.
"A chiseled face,Just like Easter Island" :lol:

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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 69930Unread post slugworth
Wed May 18, 2022 5:17 am

Extreme Unction on the aspirin plant.
Internal pressure is low and the true leaf may not have enough time to grow.
"A chiseled face,Just like Easter Island" :lol:

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Re: Deformed Tomato Seedling - permanently?


Post: # 70058Unread post slugworth
Fri May 20, 2022 4:57 am

gangrene set in and I had to amputate down to a 1/2 " stub from the top.
I hit it with straight H2O2 with it on a coffee filter.
This must be the year for defects;I have a fresh brandyman seedling with only 1 cotyledon.
It took 1 month for those saved seeds to pop and they were only 3 years old.
"A chiseled face,Just like Easter Island" :lol:

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