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white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 9:26 am
by encore
plants are getting 3 to 4 inches tall, and all the ones that start looking smaller and have purple wrinkling leaves have these spots on the stems, the root base is really heavy except for close to the base of the plant, don't know if it's white mold or what! seems to be getting only particular types only, and the same types weren't even in the same trays together, over 35 of the plants have this. so much for my Curtis cheek plants again this year!lol thanks for any help ---tom they are in the basement like every other year, fan blowing, with heater on, about 68 degs. all day then get around 59-60 at night.

Re: white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 11:27 am
by Cole_Robbie
It looks like a little powdery mildew. Pm is mostly environmental. It likes it cool, dark and wet, which is typical in basements. The plants will probably be fine when they get into warm sun. Until then, there are a ton of do it yourself pm remedies. A light peroxide spray will beat it back. Other remedies change the ph of the leaf surface, like milk, citric acid, or sulphur.

Re: white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:35 pm
by encore
would that cause the roots to be really weak at bottom of stem? when I dumped a couple out there was a really big and heathy root ball at the bottom of pot, and barely any at top. you could actually tell which ones were going to get bad because you could rock plant back and forth really easy, almost enough to tip it on it's side, lol---tom

Re: white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:48 pm
by encore
maybe I used to have the hehumidifier running in past years! don't remember! lol getting old sucks! lol lol--tom have to start writing things down.

Re: white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 3:51 pm
by Growing Coastal
AND you have to write it down while you still remember what it was you wanted to write down!

Is it too late to start over? PM is no fun at any time but I can't imagine starting out with it and facing a whole season of it.

Re: white mold

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 4:14 pm
by encore
lol, yes I have others to grow, these are all segregated from others. hopefully none of the others get it. started over 100 so should be good for me and others I give to. bring extras up north, so hopefully enough for them. lol---tom