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What is Wrong with My Pepper

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:19 pm
by PNW_D
We have had unprecedented heat here in the PNW over the last three days ....... but I noticed something strange with this plant a day or two before that ...... at first I thought I saw slug slim reflecting in the sun, but thought little of it ..... next day it seemed a few water droplets were on the leaves - but none of my other peppers had this issue

the variety is "Sweet Pickle" and I have two other plants of this variety that look fine ..... the plant has now been moved away from the others ... this is growing in a 2 gallon container (I do this every year) and was recently side dressed with Gaia Green 4-4-4 and topped with lawn clippings ... all plants have received lots of water to combat the heat
any thoughts appreciated