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Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 11:02 am
by worth1
BBQ smoked pork spare ribs.
The experiment part is I used Knorr tomato bullion powder for part of the rub mixture.
Other ingredients include.
Insta cure #1.
White sugar.
Chipotle powder.
That's it.
Letting sit for about 45 minutes before going on the offset smoker.
Using lump mesquite charcoal for the heat source.
Not much smoke or bitterness if you do it right.
The store was sold out of oak.
Using my pellet smoke tube for smoke if needed.
I don't trim ribs.
We shall see.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:28 pm
by worth1
One hour in.
No discernable smoke coming from the wide open stack.
Intake vent almost closed.
Running steady at 225F.
This is gonna take awhile.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:42 pm
by worth1
Hour three.
Smoking lard purchased from the Mexican market leftover from carnitas.
Spraying ribs with 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar and water.
A little pecan wood smoke introduced.
Temperature still running about the same.
Cut the meat flap off the rib side for a taste test.
Pretty darn good.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:43 pm
by worth1
No pictures but 4 hours in I dusted liberally with black pepper and have continued to spray with the water vinegar mixture.
Occasionally hitting the ribs with pecan smoke.
The leftover black pepper was simply tossed into the melted real hog lard for flavor.
I don't copy other people like others do.
I experiment sometimes going way outside the box.
So far so good.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 5:37 pm
by worth1
Six hours in at 225F one end and 250F the fire end.
I took the critters out and wrapped in foil.
Before doing so I covered them with the smoked hog lard.
Back in the smoker.

While waiting I made potato salad and a simple BBQ sauce.
The BBQ sauce is simply ketchup apple cider vinegar honey and a goodly amount of my homemade habanero sauce.
Nothing complicated or special but it's tasty.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 6:06 pm
by worth1
Just wow, less is more for sure.
One of the best BBQ sauces I've ever made.
Just ate a sausage with it.
Sweet tart and hot but none over powering.
Keep in mind I fermented the habaneros and mixed in lime juice citric acid and sugar to make the sauce.
I like it when my concoctions experiments hard work come together to make something special.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 6:46 pm
by worth1
Good clean bed of coals running between 275F and 300F.
Running past the 7th hour.
With any luck that temperature should do the trick.
We shall see.
Remember this is an experiment.
Failure is possible. :lol:

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:30 pm
by worth1
It's coming up on 8 hours.
Took a temperature probe and we're at around 115F.
Probe falls right through.
Took a shower and a change of clothes to help wash off the smoke smell.
Will remove top of foil and paint with the sauce.
Then I'll let it go for about 30 more minutes.
Green beans on swimming in juice and a little of the hog lard.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:24 pm
by worth1
No fail here, I did a taste test.
These things are awesome. :D
Can't wait for them to cool off a little I'm starving.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:33 pm
by worth1
First BBQ I've had in months.
And pork ribs are my favorite.

Re: Ostern Schweinerippen Experiment.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:57 am
by worth1
I cut one whole rack up and put it in the freezer for later use.
The other is on warm for today's Easter Sunday dinner.
The idea of using a spoon full of the carnita lard in the green beans was a real winner.
I just couldn't see heating up the big offset smoker and using up all that fuel for one rack of ribs.
There is no way you can make BBQ ribs taste like this or any other taste a person might like in the oven.
Nor do I prescribe to the boil ribs first method.
Not for sure the slathered smoked hog lard did anything special but people that BBQ all the time swear by it.
Next time I'll remember to get the red butcher paper for BBQ.
Haven't tried that yet.