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Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:06 pm
by HL2601
When I was organizing the Ukrainian Tribute Grow Out I contacted Tania (known for her well loved Tatianna's Tomatobase). She was offering to raise funds for Ukraine through sending her old seeds (from when she still sold them) for donations. I was lucky to get many varieties from her. These are gold :)

I can't possibly grow them all! I was hoping, by doing this offer, for folks to grow them to refresh them and get them into our circulation here. These seeds are older- 2012-2016, so they may need some TLC.

So here is the deal-please don't request if you really don't have space or you just will put them into your inventory.
Please plan to grow what you choose AND save seeds to send back into MMMM.

To participate-
Send me a DM with varieties wanted- I will respond if they are available, and with my address
You send me a SASE with your wanted variety list inside. I send back 5-8 seeds of each.
Easy, right?

Sorry if I screwed up your garden plans! Any questions? Ask!

Here is the list: pardon bad spellings-descriptions mostly from the internet

646-(2015)- Tatianas Russian heirloom slicer pink 5-8 oz

Cementnik 2014 tatianna mid ind rl Variété originaire de Russie, présentée au Seed Savers Yearbook of 2003 by Ake Truedsson who obtained the semence lors d'une exhibition of tomato in Irkoutsk in Russie. Sa traduction donne: "homme qui coule du ciment"!!! Introduite commercialement by TatianaTomatobase in 2015. Fruit rouge de 250 à 350 gr de type beefsteak rond légèrement aplati et aux épaules ondulées. Chair de boeuf charnue au très bon goût sucrée.

Dusya Krasnaya 2013 tatiana Mid-season. Compact det. plants with regular leaf foliage. Small to medium red plum-shaped fruits, juicy, 1-4 oz. First fruits are usually larger and can be up to 6 oz. Very good to excellent sweet flavor, juicy, impressive productivity, a winner! Great for salads or canning. Russian commercial variety.The name means 'Dusya Red' in Russian. Dusya is a Russian female name.

Gigant Limonnyi2015 tatiana mid Indet., regular leaf. Light yellow heart-shaped fruits, most are blunt, but some can be pointy. 7-18 oz. Very good flavor with some acidity. Juicy. Russian commercial variety, introduced to North America by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus (BELR BA A). The name means 'Lemon Giant' in Russian.

Grushka 2016 tatiana Original seed from Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T)'s grandmother-in-law, Anna Kukharchik, who grew this tomato for decades on her farm in a small village near Chelyabink city (South Urals region of Russia)The name was given in reference to the shape of tomato, which resembles a pear. "Грушка" is an alternative Russian name for "Груша" (="Pear"), and it often means a smaller version of pear.

Kermit 2015 mid Named by Tatiana. Ind, regular leaf plants with wispy foliage produce excellent yields of 6-14 oz, irregularly shaped, pink heart-shaped fruits with exc sweet flavor

Mama Alla-2012 pink/purple heart Russian Tatiannas from Russia, named for her mother indet., regular leaf, pink fruits, 6-10 oz, some shaped like fat hearts, and some more oblate. Small seed locules around the fruit perimeter, typical for many heart-shaped varieties. Excellent sweet flavor, meaty flesh.

Nicholaevna Pink 2016 tatianna Mid-season, large indet., potato leaf plant with high yield of pink beefsteak fruit, 7-16 oz, excellent flavor.85 days, indet., regular leaf plant with a good yield of 12-18 oz fruit, very good flavor.Russian heirloom, said to be imported from the city of Smolensk in Western Russia by Seedfest. "Николаевна" (correct English spelling: Nikolaevna) is a woman's middle name. In Russia people may use a middle name when addressing an old woman or an old man; probably indicates that the seeds for this pink tomato originally came from a Russian woman with this middle name

Petrovich 2013 tatiana mid Indet. plants with wispy regular leaf foliage. Huge fat red plums, some are slightly ruffled. 5-8 oz. Delicious sweet flavor. Petrovich is a nick name derived from a man's middle name.This variety has been originally grown in Zaporizhia, Ukraine by Viktor Ivanchenko, who did not know its name and named it 'Petrovich' before sharing seeds with Marina Kirishcheva of Bryansk, Russia. Marina Kirishcheva passed some seeds to Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T) in spring 2013

Rozovye gryozy- 2014 tatiana Ind mid 11 oz means pink dreams lg pink oval shapes outstanding sweet flavor fr Russian seedsaver Tatiana afanasieva not that early if I remember, more mid, good plum/sausage shape fruit, tasty, wispy plants. Productive enough to plant again but I have only grown it once. Not comercially avail in Russia.

Rozovaya Stella 2016 tatiana mid Det., regular leaf. Large pink plum-shaped fruits, 4-8 oz. Quite juicy, great for salads. Delicious sweet flavor. pepper shaped tomato, very juicy, regular leaf, semi-det., looks a little bit like an early Andenhorn. Russian commercial variety.'Rozovaya' means 'Pink' in Russian.

Sakharnyi Zheltyi 2015 tatianna Indet., regular leaf, large golden fruits, 8-24 oz, very meaty, typical beefsteak shape, very pretty. Quite early for a large beefsteak. High yields. Excellent flavor. Russian heirloom tomato from Tamara Yaschenko's collection. The name can be translated from Russian as 'Sugary Yellow' or ‘Sweet Yellow’.

Shapka Monomakha 2014 tatianna- Indet., wispy looking plants with regular foliage produce pink heart-shaped fruits, some with a pointed tip, 6-12 oz, very meaty and sweet. Delicious.Russian commercial variety.The name can be translated as Monomakh's Cap, or "The Crown of Monomakh", and it refers to the crown of all Russian Tsars from Dmitri Donskoi to Peter the Great. Some sources translate the name as 'Monomakh's Hat', which is technically correct, but does not refer to the historical headgear.Listed at SSE Yearbook as Monomakh's Hat.

SIBIRSKYI SURPRIZ 2013 tatianna means Siberian Surprise Russian commercial variety DET plants 2-4 oz dry fleash great sweet flavor RL Very good sauce or paste tomato DET Bright red plum shaped fruits

SVOI 2012 tatiana mid Indet., regular leaf, medium red beefsteak-shaped fruits with very good balanced flavor. 4-8 oz.From 1951, a Russian family variety, collected by Danish seed saver visiting in-laws in Irkutsk.Donated to IPK by Robert Hoser, Wolfratshausen, Germany. The name means 'Ours' or 'Our own' in Russian.

Tamara 2012 Tatianna Indet., regular leaf, large red beefsteaks, 8-16 oz, very good balanced flavor. Fruits are juicy with many seed locules. Russian non-commercial variety.Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T) received the seed in 2008 from her mother, Alla Gavlovskaya, who got the seed from her friend, Tamara. Tamara had been growing this tomato in her garden for many years and she did not know or forgot the original name.

Tarasenko 2 2015 tatiana old Ukraine variety IND RL red hi yield 2-4 oz sweet oval

Tsarskiy Lubimets 2013 tatiana Indet., regular leaf plants. Very large red beefsteaks, 12-24 oz, with brilliant red color. Some fruits can be up to 2 lbs. Very few seeds. So meaty and juicy, with delicious sweet flavor.80 days, indet., regular leaf, 8-16 oz red beefsteak fruit, very good flavor, good yield.Russian commercial variety from St. Petersburg, Russia.Introduced to North America by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus under a translated name, Tsar's Favorite. That was the name that Neil Lockhart, who received seeds from Andrey, listed it in 2006 SSE Yearbook

TSUNAMI introduced commercially in North America by Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds in 2016. Indeterminate, regular leaf plants produce 4-6 oz., small-medium sized, slightly Indet., regular leaf plants. Small to medium pink beefsteaks, slightly flattened, average 4-5 oz, with delicious sweet flavor.Russian variety, released by Argo-firm "Gavrish" in 1997.

UNIKALNYI 2015 tatianna PL IND red round hi yield saladettes Bred by amateur Russian breederIgor Maslov (Unique)

Usbekistan 2013 tatianna Indet., regular leaf plants. Very large red beefsteak fruits, 10-16 oz. Flesh is meaty but juicy, with small seed chambers and few seeds. Very good flavor, more acidic than sweet

Uspekh 2014 tatiana The name means 'Success' in Russian.Det. plants with regular leaf foliage. Early fruit set and early maturity. Fruits are small and oval in shape, 1-3 oz, with dense meaty flesh. 5-6 fruits per truss. Plants do not require any pruning, as they produce fruit on lateral shoots. Excellent for pickling or canning, as fruits are quite firm and hold their shape so well when processed. Jointless variety. Very good sweet flavor. Excellent for growing in containers. Russian commercial variety

Vezha- 2012 tatianna Mid Indet., regular leaf, blemish-free medium red globes, 5-7 oz, with nice acidic flavor. 70 days, compact compact indet. plant up to 4.5',indet., regular leaf plants, 4-5 oz fruits with good taste. Belarusian variety, introduced 1994 by the Belarusian Res. Inst. Of Veg. Gardening. Parentage:Stabilized Pionersky x Zhebendago cross. First offered in the Seed Savers 2000 Yearbook by Seed Savers Heritage Farm, Decorah, Iowa The name means 'Tower', but can also refer to a person who is knowledgeable and competent in old Russian language. The word is no longer used in modern Russian language.

Violaceum Altaisky 2013 tatianna Indet., regular leaf. Pink beefsteaks, 6-12 oz, with very good sweet flavor. Russian origin, possibly from Altai, Siberia, Russia First appears in the Seed Savers 1993 Yearbook, listed by Carolyn Male78 days, indet., potato leaf, 3-4" pink fruit, excellent taste and yield,

Volovie Ukho 2012 tatianna 2020 Siberian mid ind rl lg pink heart indet., regular leaf plant with somewhat wispy foliage, high yield of large pink heart-shaped fruits, up to 1+ lb, very good flavor.

Yaryk- 2015 tatianna- IND RL Russian heirloom3-8 oz red ruffled medium

Zhar 2014 tatianna mid Indet., reguilar leaf plants. Medium to large pink fruits are almost heart-shaped, but have beefsteak-type seed locules inside. 6-16 oz. Excellent sweet flavor.From Russia.The name means 'Heat' in Russian.


Forshmak- 2016 tatianna Compact indet., dwarf ('tree-type') plants with regular leaf foliage. High yields of bell pepper-shaped red fruits with golden stripes. Dry flesh. Good for canning or sauce. Keep on the counter very well after picking. 3-6 oz. It is also a very good stuffer. Russian commercial variety

NEVSKY 2014 Tatianna DET dwarf RL2.5’ tall red slightly ribbed flattened very early does well in containers fair yield Russian commercial donated to USDA bank

Roza Vetrov-2015 tatianna DET sm dwarf plants rugose RL Pink early 3-5 oz

Sherkhan 2014 tatianna- Dwarf Russian tomato, 3-6 oz elongated pepper shaped flesh. Very productive and different vg flavormore acidic than sweet very few seeds. . Det. RL rugose leaf, 75 days Perfect for sauce ofr cooking Russian commercial fro Gavrish Nameof the fictional tiger in Rudyard Kiplings Jungle bookfruit, red with yellow stripes. Meaty with dry flesh

Sibirskaya Troika 2015 tatiana Early Russian commercial variety. The name means 'Sibirian Troika' or 'Sibirian Three Horses'Det., tree-type dwarf plants with regular leaf rugose foliage. Plum-shaped red fruits, some 'doubles', 4-10 oz. Excellent sweet flavor, juicy and meaty. Best for salads

Solokha 2014 tatiana “Mermaid” Det., compact dwarf plants with regular rugose foliage. Pink fruits are plum to strawberry shaped, 3-9 oz, juicy, with very good balanced flavor. Great for salads or canned. Russian commercial variety. The word Solokha has many different meanings in Russian language: 'unkempt, shaggy woman', 'slob', or 'mermaid'. Solokha is also a name of a historically important place called 'Solokha kurgan'.


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:19 pm
by MissS
This is a great list! There are some wonderful varieties on here. I don't have room to grow any of these this year so I will not be participating besides I did get a few varieties from this seed offer from her. I hope that you have good participation in this grow out!


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:05 pm
by BettyC-5
Put me down for Tsarskiy Lubimets 2020, I have grown it several years and it is on my list for this year.
I also have seeds for Mama Alla 2016, Sakharnyi Zhetyi 2021 and Volovie Ukho 2020. All from Tormato.
I also have 2021 seed for Sherkhan I received in the MMMM swap so there probably is more out there. I don't want to grow it though. I grew it several years ago and it didn't do well.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:26 am
by greenthumbomaha
Hello Heide.
This is an outstanding project. Thank you again for your leadership in organizing another seed rescue.

Interested, but I won't be starting tomato seeds indoors until the very last minute, which is around March 15. My tomato seeds are packed up at the moment, and not planning to take a peak at what I have in inventory until that time. I'd be happy to help with about 4 plants, likely container varieties if any are still unspoken for. Last frost here is May 5-15 ish.

I'll continue to monitor the thread for sign ups, so please keep us posted.



Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:33 am
by HL2601
Thanks @BettyC-5 and @greenthumbomaha !

Betty- Glad you liked Tsarskiy Lubimets - always good to know first hand experiences.

Lisa, Several of these are container varieties, so I am sure I will have some good ones for you when you are ready. Just if you could remember to write a slip inside your SASE's to make it easier, that would be super.