Sage is Budding. Cut off Buds?

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Sage is Budding. Cut off Buds?


Post: # 97426Unread post DriftlessRoots
Sat May 13, 2023 6:08 am

For the first time I’ve carried over a culinary sage plant from last year and I just noticed it’s got flower buds on it. Will letting it flower change its flavor like I believe some annual and biennial plants do? If not I may let it go and see if I can get some viable seed since none of my ornamental sages are even close to flowering.

Edit: And is it self-fertile?
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Re: Sage is Budding. Cut off Buds?


Post: # 97428Unread post bower
Sat May 13, 2023 6:35 am

I have multiple sage plants in my garden that are at least 20 years old, so they're quite cold tolerant once they're established, and come back with a bit of TLC after taking a beating. The flowers are lovely and bees are fond of them, although the flowering time is relatively short cw some others. It should be self fertile? but TBH I don't get many seeds and have not found any seedlings. I did find a few seeds after paying close attention, when my Mom said she'd like to have more of them in her garden. So the only advice about seeds is to watch for them carefully, otherwise I think they roll out when mature, and then you'll find empty pods. They don't have a closed calyx so I think they drop seed as soon as ripe.
I don't think flowering changes the flavor of the leaves.
The only thing I noticed is that after flowering some leaves will yellow and wither as the plant has diverted energy into flowers/seeds. So for best leaf production, the flower stalks should be cut off as soon as they're done. For seed production, expect to lose some leaf in the process, and maybe a nice fert snack would be appreciated?
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Re: Sage is Budding. Cut off Buds?


Post: # 97458Unread post pepperhead212
Sat May 13, 2023 2:52 pm

I leave the flowers on my sage for the bees. Never noticed a difference in flavor. If you want more leaves, snip the buds quickly; otherwise, snip them shortly after drying, as Bower suggested. I have so much sage I don't worry about production. And my larger, large leaf sage, that has never flowered before, has one blossom now. I always thought that was a sterile variety, that was produced by cuttings only.
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b

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