I used to have a bookmark with a wonderful guide from the U of Florida to tomato diseases. Lots of photos. When my last computer died I lost that bookmark and haven't been...
I've got a yellowing problem with my cauliflower seedlings that I've never seen before. There's a four-pack each of Amazing and Snowball X (different seed vendors) and among...
Is it incurable, and do I harvest as yet unaffected fruit and destroy the plants, or ride it out and hope for the best?
Collective wisdom, there's something icky on my zukes! My PictureThis! app does diagnose, but telling me it's an insect on a squash isn't all that helpful. It doesn't look...
So I'm taking a year (or maybe 2) off from gardening because my life is a disaster, but even though I didn't plant anything this year, I have some strawberries, and some...
Attached are 2 pictures of my most productive plant, Dester, which started having some lower branches turn yellow about two weeks ago when hot weather set in. I didn't view...
Is this bacterial canker? What do you recommend I do about it? It's slowly spreading to a few plants. Are there any sprays that work? Does fish emulsion or kelp...
Our beloved Moreton is already on its way out due to fusarium, a full month earlier than last year. I wonder if our record breaking heat in June had anything to do with it -...
My father has been asking for my extra tomatoes to replace dying ones in a community bed. Is this Verticillium wilt? Best to pull entire plant or cut off infected parts?...
Lately I've been seeing here and there in the beans an insect I've not seen before. About 1/2 to 5/8 long. Friend or foe, I have to know! So down the internet rabbit hole I...
A neighbor who helped plow out the end of my driveway this winter told me that the watershed area bordering my place has become a home to many coyotes. They're new in the...
A search here produced little information on how to prevent plant loss due to cutworms. I planted out 17 plants last evening in 17 grow bags and this morning found one plant...
Been a while since I've posted on this site. Despite a rocky year last year, as I explain in this post - - I had a very successful harvest of tomatoes last year. But I wanted...
IMG_6141.jpeg I saw thison my indoor pepper plant so far it was only on 1 but not shure what the heck it is I just noticed it yesterday when I was getting them ready for...
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