Tomato Update!

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Tomato Update!


Post: # 72252Unread post GoDawgs
Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:09 am

At least some tomatoes are starting to ripen in the heat. Most of these were set pre-heat wave but amazingly I see new ones forming, especially on the Honey Drop cherry and Costoluto Genovese. Of all the tomatoes in the sun the Costoluto is setting tomatoes although smaller than descriptions say. I'm still impressed! It has earned a place up by the house with some shade next year.

This is a big cluster of Bella Rosa. As the tomatoes get half ripe they're being brought into the house as the squirrels have started their theft and ruination again.


EM Champion oxheart has just two tomatoes on it but they're getting large.


Brandywine is loading up with new ones setting at the top. This one and Bella Rosa are among those that get some afternoon shade by the house.


Gardener's Sweetheart is loaded up with apple-shaped cherries.They're the ones at the bottom of the photo. The plum shaped ones at the top are Purple Russians encroaching on their neighbor. I have about four Sweethearts finishing their ripening on the kitchen counter. Can't wait to try this MMMM 'mater.


Last year was the Year Of The Micros and this year is the Year Of The Oxhearts. We tried the first Kosovo and found it very dense with very few seeds, little gel and little flavor. On the other hand the first Fish Lake Oxheart was juicy with decent flavor. MUCH better than Kosovo. There's another ripening so I picked it yesterday and it will safely finish in the house.


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