Bye Bye, Corn! It's been nice.

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Bye Bye, Corn! It's been nice.


Post: # 101909Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:16 pm

Now you see 'em...

Image you don't.


This morning was corn take down time before it got too hot out there. One row would get pulled and then hauled back to Mt. Brushmore. The first time I took a load I checked the pile of corncobs I had dumped next to the husks few days ago after corn was cut off. It had been a nice neat pile of about 50 cobs. This morning it looked like another party had happened.


And there sure weren't 50 cobs there anymore! Some were strewn about a short distance from the pile but my guess is that some raccoons or other toted off a bunch.

Totalling up what was pulled early for eating, the big batch that were cut and frozen, 13 more secondary ears pulled and three more small ones I found today we ended up with 77 ears. 2ftgd had asked about stalks per row and today the four rows averaged 30 per row. Since they're wanting between 40-50 cents an ear in the stores, I figure we grew about $35 worth.

And during the pulling this morning I finally found the one I had been looking for..... the last one! :)


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Re: Bye Bye, Corn! It's been nice.


Post: # 101913Unread post worth1
Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:28 pm

corn cobs make good fuel for smoking and other things. ... -twncLdmKv
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.

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