How Long Do Garlic Bulbils Remain Viable?

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Re: How Long Do Garlic Bulbils Remain Viable?


Post: # 104327Unread post JRinPA
Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:45 pm

So you pulled spring planted cloves while green instead of letting them brown and fall over? I have a bunch of buckets of bulbils that I'm waiting for them to die back. A few scaped but most did not.

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Re: How Long Do Garlic Bulbils Remain Viable?


Post: # 104357Unread post bower
Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:22 am

Actuallly most of them had fallen over.
Also since we've had a few good rains right around garlic harvest time, I noticed that the effects on my bulbs were not great. Some pink wrappers on the porcelain, and besides the usual occasional bites out of my bulbs, I found a wireworm right in among the roots of one I pulled. Cooler and damper weather and they come up close to the surface looking for something to bite. Since that is about fatal for rounds, I decided to pull them after I cleaned the rest of the crop, and spare the wireworm losses.
I need to bait those beds now with some potato pieces on sticks, and see how much damage I can do to the ww population.
AgCan Zone 5a/USDA zone 4
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm

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