Indoor Tomatoes

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Acer Rubrum
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Indoor Tomatoes


Post: # 59218Unread post Acer Rubrum
Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:45 am

I thought I'd post a few pictures of our winter micro tomatoes. The first one is how they look under lights. We have those purple ones for the main plant area, so you can't see them as well.

The other plants are mostly some peppers that volunteered in a different pot when it had been in a kitchen window near the cutting board. We have no idea what these are, but my daughter wanted to pot them up and try to make them live, so they're her winter project. They're not looking the greatest but she's happy that they have blossoms coming. My oldest son also has some micro greens there that we've been eating.
This is a Vilma tomato. It came from a cutting we took this fall. It's doing really well and putting on a bunch of fruit.
This is a Groovy Tunes, also from a cutting. There was a tiny bud at the bottom that I didn't take off when I took the cutting. Now it's a tomato that's just beginning to blush, though you can't really see that in the pictures. The original plant was outside in the ground and had gotten about two feet high by the end of the season. Hopefully this one will stay more compact in a pot.
This one is Pinocchio Orange, from seed. I haven't grown it before, but I've heard good things about it. It's destined for a larger pot at some point, but it seems fine in this one for now. I like how it's staying compact like the Vilma. It's got a number of nice fruit going.
This is an Ink Spot, from seed. I grew these last winter and really liked the flavor. They seem to like to stretch a bit, but they're great tomatoes. This one will also go in a bigger pot later. We've got one growing and more flowers coming on. The seed for this one was started at the same time as the Pinocchio Orange, so this one is a little later.
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Acer Rubrum
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Re: Indoor Tomatoes


Post: # 59219Unread post Acer Rubrum
Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:08 am

And I have no idea why the last picture ended up stuck at the bottom of the post, lol. That's the Vilma and a Cuban Organo, as well as an apple tree from seed that's either dormant or dead. Another of my daughter's projects.

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Re: Indoor Tomatoes


Post: # 59247Unread post AKgardener
Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:20 pm

I love that I’m not the only one growing micros in the winter I just ordered more seed to plant today yours are looking good!! Mine are starting to turn micro tons
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Acer Rubrum
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Re: Indoor Tomatoes


Post: # 59255Unread post Acer Rubrum
Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:38 pm

Wow, it looks like you'll be eating some soon. 👍

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