Shule's 2022 growlog

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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 69450Unread post bower
Wed May 11, 2022 6:26 am

We had several nights of hard frost this week too, Shule. It sounds like the cold spring theme is active in many places this year - I hope that's the last frost for you this year.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70031Unread post Shule
Thu May 19, 2022 6:21 pm

We've been eating De 18 Jours radishes for a while now. I have to say, I really like them. The radishes taste great. The leaves taste great (and buttery). Even the crowded ones are bulbing (and since they're longer radishes, they don't have to bulb as wide to bulb). Planting them in 18-gallon moving totes was a really good idea; they love it, and no cats are pooping on them; easier to harvest, too, and strangely, they're easier to water (normally I don't say that about things in containers, but with radishes this time of year, in 18-gallon totes, yes).

The Parisian carrots aren't ready yet.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70035Unread post Shule
Thu May 19, 2022 6:26 pm

I'll probably start transplanting tomatoes tomorrow, the next day, and/or Monday and Tuesday. I've been holding off a bit, since it's been a cold spring, and a lot of the seedlings are younger. I'll probably start planting watermelon seeds in foam cups on Saturday or Monday.

The White Pearl poinsettia (indoors) has begun at least 17 growth points, since it started to put on new growth.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70043Unread post foxtailferns
Thu May 19, 2022 8:28 pm

Shule wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 6:21 pm We've been eating De Jours 18 radishes for a while now. I have to say, I really like them. The radishes taste great. The leaves taste great (and buttery). Even the crowded ones are bulbing (and since they're longer radishes, they don't have to bulb as wide to bulb). Planting them in 18-gallon moving totes was a really good idea; they love it, and no cats are pooping on them; easier to harvest, too, and strangely, they're easier to water (normally I don't say that about things in containers, but with radishes this time of year, in 18-gallon totes, yes).

The Parisian carrots aren't ready yet.
I think I'm going to try these this fall. I haven't grown many radishes since we moved and started growing everything in containers, but I'd like to start again. I grew Hakurei turnips in them last year and it worked well, but the slimmer, longer radishes will probably be even better.

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Shule's 2022 garden map


Post: # 70156Unread post Shule
Fri May 20, 2022 11:36 pm

Here's my garden map for the year; I plan to edit this periodically, including as we transplant and plant more things.

- MKX_ is the project name for my Medovaya Kaplya cross. MKX_A was the F1.
- Broy_ is my Brandy Boy F2+ project (Broy_A is an F2). I grew the F1 that I saved the seeds from.
- Nina_ is my Early Girl growout project, with Nina_A being my most prolific RL in 2017. Nina_A was probably an F3 (but possibly an F4). The F1 was a BonniePlants storebought plant grown in 2014, which had 52-day fruit (in practice) and tasted amazing. The F2 tasted amazing, too, but different.
- Wuler_ is a project that arose from an unstable B.S.X. tomato, which was possibly one or two crosses beyond the initial. See this post: wuler-tomato-project-t3687.html
- Cilantrovaya_ (Cilantrovaya_A is MKX_B; see the MKX_ project above. It's named thus because plant A is an F2 cross between Medovaya Kaplya and something else, and because the first fruit had a fresh cilantro aftertaste some minutes after eating it. I don't want everyone thinking all the MKX_ tomatoes have a cilantro aftertaste; the name change should draw that attention where it belongs.)

Main plot (SW-ish)

Row 1
Cilantrovaya_A F2 tomato (historically the best spot in the garden, production-wise; transplanted 20 May; PL)
Snacker_C tomato (transplanted 20 May)
Snacker_C0 tomato (transplanted 20 May)
Snacker_C1 tomato (transplanted 20 May)
MKX_B0 F2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; RL)
Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach tomato (B; transplanted 20 May; from fruit #3)

Row 2
MKX_B1 F2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; RL)
Aunt Ginny's Purple tomato (B; transplanted 20 May)
Brandywine Pink tomato (A; transplanted 21 May)
Carolina Yellow tomato (A; transplanted 21 May)
v22_A or MKX_B2 F2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; RL; the original transplant died, but another tomato sprouted, this one PL, with the former being RL--whether it was from the same container or the garden soil, I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's from the same container, since it's PL, and most of the tomatoes there last year were RL; if it's MKX_, then it would have a chance of being RL or PL)

Row 3
Snacker_C2 tomato (transplanted 20 May)
Hamson tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; this is the older plant)
Big Cheef tomato (A; transplanted 21 May)
v22_A0 (RL volunteer tomato; probably Cosmic Eclipse)
Carolina Yellow tomato (A0; transplanted 21 May)

Row 4

Row 5
u22_A (PL; split off from Roma VF A1 and transplanted on 3 Jun)
Italian Heirloom (A; transplanted 25 May)

Row 6
Frog Princess tomato (A; transplanted 21 May)
Snacker_C3 (was with Snacker_C2, but pulled up and put here on 2 Jun)

Row 7
Broy_A F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May)
Broy_A0 F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May)

Row 8
Broy_A1 F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May)
Snacker_C4 (was with Snacker_C2, but pulled up and put here on 2 Jun)

Row 9
Wonderberry or v22_A2
Nina_B RL (transplanted 25 May)

Row 10
Nina_B0 (split off from Nina_B and transplanted on 3 Jun)

West plot by sidewalk corner (north to south rows; east to west columns):
Row 1:
Roma VF (A)
v22_A3 (probably Galapagos Island)
v22_A4 (probably Galapagos Island)

Row 2:
Roma VF (A0)
Snacker_C5 (split off from Snacker_C1 and transplanted on 3 Jun)

Row 3:
Roma VF (A1)
Snacker_C6 (split off from Snacker_C1 and transplanted on 3 Jun)

SE Plot:

Row 1

Amana Orange tomato (B1A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Canary Bell pepper (A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Canary Bell pepper (A0; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Canary Bell pepper (A1; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Canary Bell pepper (A2; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Canary Bell pepper (A3; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
Big Red pepper (A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)

Row 2:
Wuler_C PL (v22_A5)
Wuler_C0 PL (v22_A6)
Wuler_C1 PL (v22_A7)
v22_A8 RL (probably Galapagos Island)
v22_A9 RL (probably Galapagos Island)
v22_A10 RL (probably Galapagos Island)

Row 3
Amana Orange tomato (B1A0; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A1; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A2; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A3; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A4; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A5; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A6; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)
Amana Orange tomato (B1A7; transplanted 21 May, in the morning)

Row 4
Amana Orange (B1A8; transplanted 25 May)

Row 5
Aunt Ginny's Purple (B0; transplanted 25 May)
Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B; transplanted 24 May, in the morning)
Carbon tomato (B; transplanted 24 May, in the morning)
Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B0; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; this is the one I seeded later; it's parent was here)
Carbon tomato (B0; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)

Row 6
Gold Medal (A; transplanted 25 May)
Morsel_B F2 (transplanted 25 May)
Empty (was Cherokee Golden A; transplanted 25 May; pulled up on 15 Jun, since it was almost dead and it was only an inch tall or so)
Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B1; transplanted 24 May, in the morning)
Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B2; transplanted 24 May, in the morning)
Pearler_B F3 (transplanted 25 May)

Row 7
Ground cherry--not Aunt Molly's (B?; transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May; was Carolina Yellow, transplanted 25 May, but that Carolina Yellow died)
Pearler_B0 F3 (transplanted 25 May)

Row 8
Pearler_B2 (split off from Pearler_B0 and transplanted on 3 Jun)
Hamson (A0; transplanted 25 May)

Row 9
Amana Orange (B1A9; transplanted 25 May)

Row 10
Malva neglecta
Wonderberries (transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May)
Wonderberries (transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May)
Pearler_B1 F3 (transplanted 25 May)

Row 11
Malva neglecta
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70157Unread post Shule
Fri May 20, 2022 11:45 pm

So, today, I transplanted the following:
- Aunt Ginny's Purple x 1 (1 of 2)
- Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach (1 of 1)
- Medovaya Kaplya cross F2 (4 of 4)
- Snacker-B x 4 (4 of 4)

I gave them each at least three handfuls of worm castings (with a little peat moss mixed in). I figure I want to use regular seed-starting mix next year, and I can use the worm castngs as a soil amendment for transplants instead.

Note that this Aunt Ginny's Purple is slightly bigger than the other one, which I planted at the same time. The only difference in seed-starting conditions was that I kept this one in the house one to a few days that I left the other outside when I was worried that damping off might get them if I left them inside (but it was cold outside, and there was a chance of frost).
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70183Unread post Shule
Sat May 21, 2022 9:55 am

Today, I transplanted the following:
- Big Cheef (1 of 1; the old one died; these are from seeds planted at the same time that sprouted later)
- Brandy Boy F2 (3 of 3)
- Brandywine Pink (1 of 1)
- Carolina Yellow (2 of 3 or 4; I say 'or 4' because it looks like a seedling is sprouting in the original container)
- Frog Princess (1 of 1)
- Hamson (1 of 2; I transplanted the older one)

I put cages (all the cages) on most of the tomatoes that I've transplanted, so far, but I might move some of them (I kind of want to cage Carbon when I transplant it).

I gave all the transplants at least three handfuls of the aforementioned worm castings (which I'm told have a little peat moss mixed in). I gave the volunteer worm castings, too, but I'm not sure how many handfuls it would have been, since I poured them from a bowl.

The big wooden cage is laid horizontally across Aunt Ginny's Purple and Brandywine Pink.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70229Unread post Shule
Sun May 22, 2022 12:10 am

So, today, I also transplanted eight Amana Orange tomato plants (three of them were in one cell). I gave them each at least three handfuls of the aforementioned worm castings.

I seeded the watermelons in foam cups (2 or 3 seeds per cup, using all the rest of my seeds for those packets):
- Queen Winter x 12
- King Winter x 12

I think maybe I should have waited until the days were in the 80s to plant them. I guess I forgot how cold of year it's been; normally, we'd have pretty warm weather now (like 80s, 90s and 100s--not much, if any hotter than 100), but it's not forecasted to be consistently in the 80s until June 13th! Hopefully they sprout, and grow vigorously. I watered them with warm water.

The UV index is supposed to be 8 tomorrow.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70240Unread post YSEF
Sun May 22, 2022 6:00 am

Tormato wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:25 pm
Shule wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:13 pm It's time to start a new growlog. I planted my tomato and pepper seeds yesterday morning (March 18th).

Here's my tomato list:

* Aker's West Virginia x 1 (from Gardenboy of Tomatoville in 2016)
* Amana Orange x 25 (1 plant from, 24 plants from my saved seed, descended from Marsha's seed; I planted 8 plants from each of three different fruits saved in 2021 from plant B1)
* Aunt Ginny's Purple x 2 (from seed I saved last year from plant A)
* Big Cheef x 1 (from GardenBoy of TomatoJunction in January 2020)
* Brandy Boy F2 x 1 (from seed I saved in 2019 from plant A)
* Brandy Boy F11 x 1 (from seed I saved in 2019 from plant A)
* Brandywine OTV x 1 (from Tormato in 2016; marked 2015)
* Brandywine Pink x 1 (Livingston Seed Co. packet with barcode 048389049593, gifted to me by a local friend; packed for 2011; sell by 10/2011 LOT 10; wow, these are old--I didn't know until now; I like old seed, though!)
* Carolina Yellow x 1 (Thresh Seed Co. with barcode T0-SL-002, packed for 2022, sell by 12/22, LOT A)
* Cherokee Golden x 1 (from JohnnyRock of Tomatoville, January 2020)
* Cherokee Purple x 1 (from Marsha's 2016 SASE seed offer on Tomatoville)
* Cherokee Yellow x 1 (1 seed; from JohnnyRock of Tomatoville, January 2020)
* Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach x 2 (each from a different fruit; from seeds saved in 2020 from plant A, fruits #1 and #3)
* Cherokee Yellow Red x 1 (2 seeds; from JohnnyRock of Tomatoville, January 2020)
* Cherokee Yellow Yellow Pear x 1 (from JohnnyRock of Tomatoville, January 2020)
* Frog Princess x 1 (from Julianna of TomatoJunction who got them from Remy / Sample Seed Shop)
* Gold Medal x 1 (from tradewindsfruit; packed for 2015)
* Golden Queen x 1 (from Timeless Tomatoes in 2016)
* Hamson x 1 (from, purchased in 2021 or 2022)
* Italian Heirloom x 1 (from Thresh Seed Co.; packed for 2021; sell by 12/21; LOT B; barcode T0-SL-009)
* Medovaya Kaplya cross F2 x 6 (from seed I saved in 2017; trying for a red round PL sweet cherry)
* Mountain Gold x 1 (from Timeless Tomatoes in 2016)
* Orange Banana x 6 (from Timeless Tomatoes; they might be new or from 2016; I don't know)
* Orange Caprese x 1 (from Tormato in 2016; marked 2015)
* Pinky Blast x 1 (from Tormato in 2016; marked 2015; I think he got them from AlittleSalt)
* Primrose Gage x 1 (from Tormato in 2016; marked 2015)
* Snacker-B F4 x 6 (from seeds I saved last year, from plant B)
* Super Sweet 100 F1 x 1 (Burpee seeds packed for 2013; from Tormato in 2016)
* Vorlon x 1 (from Tormato in 2016; marked 2015)
* Yellow Brandywine x 1 (I don't have a record of where I got these, but the packet and handwriting look exactly like those of Big Cheef; so, I'm guessing GardenBoy of TomatoJunction in January 2020)
* Yoder's German Yellow x 1 (from JohnnyRock of Tomatoville in January 2020)

Here's my sweet pepper list (all Capsicum annuum):
* Canary Bell x 12
* Coral Bell x 9
* Lunchbox Yellow, Orange, and Red x 11 (they're all in a mixed packet; it came with 11 seeds and I planted each seed in its own container; I overseeded the other varieties in this list)
* Quadrato Giallo x 1
* Sunbright x 2
* Big Red x 1

So, I have three trays of seeds. Each tray has 36 cells. The cells are a good size.

I added some turmeric to the soil, this time (never done that before). Hopefully that wasn't a bad idea. I read somewhere that it deters pests or something, but if it was a bad idea, at least I didn't add a terrible lot of it. I added food grade diatomaceous earth to the soil, as I did last year (but probably less than last year).

I put some cinnamon on top after watering, to help protect the seedlings against damping off disease (hopefully it's not too early to add the cinnamon; I'm not sure).

I watered in wood ash and monoammonium phosphate as I've done for the last few years.

I plan to start putting the trays outside during the day probably in about a week. For now, they're in the house.

I overseeded most of the tomatoes and peppers.

I didn't end up ordering from Sand Hill Preservation Center (to get another strain of Amana Orange, and more melons/watermelons), or anywhere else, after all. Maybe later. For now, I've got plenty of stuff to grow, and I can breed my own strain of Amana Orange.

I've decided I don't plan to grow any muskmelons, this year.

I do plan to grow watermelons: I plan to seed those in foam cups outdoors after the last frost, some time (that seems to work better than doing it earlier and better than direct-seeding; with direct-seeding, they don't germinate as well, or grow as fast, and volunteer melons growing with the seeded melons make things confusing).

So, let's see what watermelons I do plan to grow (since I didn't order any new ones):

I think I'm just going to grow King Winter and Winter Queen. I hope to grow many plants. If they cross, I'll know what the cross was. I have Santo Domingo Winter, too, and maybe other Santo Domingo types, but I think I'll save those for next year.

Well, I might still order from SHPC and/or other places before I plant the watermelons. So, I might grow the Wintermelon watermelon, too.
Seeds from me, except possibly Brandywine OTV, were not grown by me, rather they were seeds sent into the swap, by others.

Experimental Farm Network has a couple of watermelons with winter storage potential.

Even though you may not be growing them this year, I can send you a list of melons and watermelons that I have, and the ones that I am awaiting, if you'd like.
I'm a big Experimental Farm Network fan and have grown a lot of seeds from there. Great people.

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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70341Unread post Shule
Mon May 23, 2022 11:27 am

All the transplants survived the weekend. Things are looking up.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70374Unread post Shule
Tue May 24, 2022 6:18 am

Today, I transplanted the following (and gave them each three handfuls of the aforementioned worm castings):
- Brandy Boy F11 (4 of 4; I had a fifth one, but the stem had been eroded so much by the damping off pathogen that it snapped when I transplanted it; one of the four transplanted was the one that I seeded later, and it's looking great)
- Carbon (1 of 2; I moved a cage from a Brandy Boy F2 and put it on this Carbon tomato plant)
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70424Unread post Shule
Tue May 24, 2022 9:55 pm

I just transplanted the following:
- Big Red pepper (1 of 1)
- Canary Bell pepper (6 of 6; EDIT: apparently, it was 5 of 5, because I don't see 6)
- Amana Orange (one more; I think we have three left; so, there are nine transplanted in total, and three to go, I think)
- Carbon (the last one; both are transplanted)

I gave each of the transplants above three handfuls of the aforementioned worm castings.

Cherokee Golden sprouted! Yellow Brandywine seems to be sprouting, too. There's a Gold Medal that sprouted, some days ago. Those are from the first seeding (I never replanted them).
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70482Unread post Shule
Thu May 26, 2022 7:04 am

I transplanted the rest of the tomatoes last night, except for Yellow Brandywine, which I accidentally mistook for an empty cell and dumped out as an amendment for another tomato.

Most of these transplants got about three handfuls of the aforementioned worm castings, or else worm castings from the empty fertilized containers where plants had died from damping off. One plant didn't get much, but all the others got plenty.

For the plants already transplanted, one of the RL Medovaya Kaplya cross F2s is chlorotic and looking like it might die. Another RL Medovaya Kaplya cross F2 received some kind of shock and wilted, but it's still alive. All the other plants look great. The small ones are growing fast, too.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70536Unread post Shule
Fri May 27, 2022 8:40 am

I transplanted the three foam cups of plants:
- Wonderberries x 2
- Ground cherries (I seeded multiple kinds in the same cup; whatever they are, they're not Aunt Molly's)

There are lots of volunteer tomatoes and wonderberries that I haven't mentioned on my garden map, but I'm not sure which ones I'm going to keep, yet.

I'm considering single-stemming some wonderberries to see what happens. :)

We have loads of De 18 Jours radishes left, still. I might need to freeze them. Can you freeze radishes? Or maybe I'll lacto-ferment some (those are tasty--but I don't have any hotdogs to eat them with).
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70636Unread post Shule
Sat May 28, 2022 9:13 pm

I harvested all the radishes and cooked them up with the leaves, 1.5 white onions, 14 eggs, salt, pepper, and olive oil, in a 15-inch cast-iron pan. I'm planning to buy more instead of saving seeds, to avoid having to water by the containers for an extended period.

The first two pictures are raw (without the eggs, salt, and pepper); the third is cooked, with the eggs, salt and pepper (and I put the bag in the freezer):
picture posting sites

I'll probably order from Baker Creek soon.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 70988Unread post Shule
Fri Jun 03, 2022 3:50 am

So, on Thursday morning, I pulled a bunch of weeds (mostly lambsquarter) and volunteer tomatoes/wonderberries (we get a lot of those; so many that I could have had more plants than I actually planted if I let them all grow). I transplanted some extra Snacker_ plants that were growing with Snacker_C2 (so, I have two more, and I might get even more later on). The two extras survived the day, and only one of them was wilting (I removed the larger, wilting leaves on that one afterward to reduce its transplant shock). I haven't thinned many of the tomatoes, yet.

I'm out of worm castings, so any new volunteers and those Snacker_ plants didn't get them.

In the evening, I gave all the tomatoes, peppers, wonderberries, and grapes (we have four vines) some potassium sulfate (in the ground). I gave all the potatoes, two rows of wonderberries, Nina_B, Roma VF (all three of them), v22_A3, v22_A4, v22_A7, v22_A8, v22_A9, v22_A10, and Canary Bell (A) both potassium sulfate and 24-8-16 All-purpose Miracle Gro, both in the ground. I gave about two thirds of the snow peas Miracle Gro in the ground. If the things I gave Miracle Gro respond well, I'll probably give some to the rest of the tomatoes and peppers (among other things).

I need to do some tests with foliar sprays of monoammonium phosphate and monopotassium phosphate to see how much is safe to give my tomatoes and peppers.
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 71033Unread post Shule
Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:58 pm

So, today, I thinned all the tomatoes, except for Big Cheef (which currently has two plants in its spot). I want to see which Big Cheef plant outgrows the other, and they're both the same. Most of the tomatoes already had only one plant.

I split off two more Snacker_ tomatoes. So, I'm growing eight tomato plants from Snacker-B seed (Snacker_C, Snacker_C0, Snacker_C1, Snacker_C2, Snacker_C3, Snacker_C4, Snacker_C5, and Snacker_C6). Snacker_C5 and Snacker_C6 are in soil that has been challenging for the past couple years; so, I gave them monopotassium phosphate and potassium sulfate, both in the ground (I think phosphorus was the deficient nutrient last year).

I gave the four wonderberries that I initially transplanted monopotassium phosphate (in the ground), as well as most of the wonderberries near them, since this soil seemed to be phosphorus-deficient last year, too.

I split off an extra Pearler_ plant; so, I've got four of those, now, instead of three. There are two more volunteers that are probably BSX that I plan to keep for a good while.

I split off an extra NIna_ plant, too; so, I'm growing two instead of one. I thought about splitting off extra Carbon and Gold Medal tomatoes, but I'd say the garden is pretty much full (yes, there are empty spots, but those are either to give room for other plants that will probably cover them, or else because they're shaded--and there are others that aren't on the map this year, which were last year, that I didn't list because they're so far away that I don't want to have to pull the hose out that far to water them; I think I'll plant radishes for seed in some of those, and to try to cross a big Daikon radish with De 18 Jours, if that's likely to be able to happen; I also have spaces reserved for watermelons).

It rained a lot, and there are all kinds of volunteers growing where I'm growing other stuff, again (and/or where I don't plan to grow stuff, this year); so, I need to keep pulling them out.

We've got so much horseradish. I need to dehydrate and powder it. I hope it's not too fibrous.

We had a lot of rain, today, again. Lots of rain, this spring! :)

Frog Princess has the largest plant, right now. Some of the leaves look stressed by the growing conditions or something. It's growing some nice buds.

I have an unidentified tomato plant (u22_A) that I seeded, this year. It's PL and was growing with Roma VF (A1). I'm not sure what it is, but hopefully it's something that I thought died, like Brandywine OTV.
Location: SW Idaho, USA
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 71042Unread post bower
Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:19 am

Another use for excess radish plants is radish leaf pesto. As with other pesto it can be frozen for later.
I never heard of drying and powdering horseradish, but I would love to hear how that turns out! Fresh horseradish products which I know of are great but for some reason, not super long keepers.
Glad to hear that you're decked with tomato plants in spite of the extreme spring! :)
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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 71050Unread post Shule
Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:43 am

It's raining.

Here's my post-transplant growlist of tomatoes (using the seed names for my breeding projects--not the individual plant names on my garden map):

- Amana Orange x 11
- Aunt Ginny's Purple x 2
- Big Cheef x 1
- Brandy Boy F2 x 3 (naming this project Broy_)
- Brandy Boy F11 x 4
- Brandywine Pink x 1
- Carbon x 2
- Carolina Yellow x 2
- Cherokee Golden x 1
- Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach x 1
- Frog Princess x 1
- Gold Medal x 1
- Hamson x 2
- Italian Heirloom x 1
- MKX-A F2 x 3 or 4 (Medovaya Kaplya cross F2; the father of the F1 must have been red, RL, and round; one of the four might be a volunteer)
- Morsel-A F2 x 1 (the F1 was a Napoli cross; large red cherry sized, ovate shape, sweet-ish fruit)
- Nina-A x 2 (descended from a BonniePlants Early Girl F1 grown in 2014; it's F4 or F5; red, round)
- Pearler-A F3 x 4 (the F1 was a Napoli cross, with almost round red fruit; fruits of Pearler_A F2 resembled fat-ish Roma's; Napoli is skinnier, firmer, and smaller; the F2 made me feel good after I ate it)
- Roma VF x 3
- Snacker-B x 8 (descended from MKX_A F1; large round yellow sweet, but not ultra sweet, cherry)
- Unknown PL x 1 (not a volunteer; probably a misplaced seed that floated over during watering; was in the same container with Roma VF)
- Volunteers x 10 to 12 (probably Galapagos Island, the BSX cross and some others)


Tomatoes that survived the cold, damping off, and sunscald from the beginning (which sprouted early on) include these:
- Brandy Boy F2 x 3 (initially had one, but I split it up, and three survived)
- Brandy Boy F11 x 3 (ditto)
- Brandywine Pink x 1
- Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach x 1 (initially had two)
- Frog Princess x 1
- Hamson x 1
- MKX-A x 3 (1 PL and 2 RL; initially planted six)
Last edited by Shule on Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Location: SW Idaho, USA
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Elevation: 2,260 feet

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Re: Shule's 2022 growlog


Post: # 71078Unread post Shule
Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:29 pm

I just pulled up lots of ~5" weeds around the potatoes (on the west side of the house), and decided to mulch the potatoes with them so more weeds wouldn't sprout up, and to prevent the ones I didn't get up by the roots from getting light. We'll hopefully see how that works out.

One of the advantages of a very hot, dry growing season is that new weeds don't usually sprout (except maybe purslane and matted sandmat; maybe Amaranth does it's not too hot). However, when we have cool, wet springs, like we have now, they sprout abundantly regularly. That means more organic matter, though.

The weeds around the potatoes were mostly lambsquarter (our most abundant weed), but also Amaranth, wonderberries (yeah, we have lots of those, :D ), morning glory and/or bindweed, shepherd's purse (that was a surprise), a few tomatoes, a few leftover sunroots, and I believe at least one unidentified Asteraceae weed with a milky sap.

We haven't grown tomatoes there in a while, but I've put a lot of spoiled tomatoes on that ground in the last couple years.
Location: SW Idaho, USA
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Elevation: 2,260 feet

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