Growing Strawberries in Containers

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Growing Strawberries in Containers


Post: # 60559Unread post Setec Astronomy
Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:38 pm

Short version of thread: Do those of you who grow strawberries in containers cut off the runners?

Long version of thread:

Like most of my growing, it started on a lark. I had some leftover pots, so I thought "what can I grow in these?" It wound up being strawberries. I didn't think too much about it, and I purposely ignored the "first year" planting instructions to cut off the flowers, etc. to create a stronger plant because I figured they were going to die over the winter anyway.

Well, it turns out strawberries in containers survive just fine over the winter (contrary to my unfortunate experience when I bought some "container" raspberries and blueberries). The plants produce long runners that spill over the table and never get to root (although I do get an occasional berry on a runner). Looking out the window today at all the brown underleaves on these plants that I should trim, it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I should be cutting the runners off, not just now, but during the growing season as well.

Is that what most of you do, cut the runners off? Any other container tips for strawberries?

As an aside, I got tired of buying bare-root strawberries and having bad results, so last year I grew a few plants from seed. I have a small in-ground patch that I usually put some pollinator support flowers in, but this year I'm planning to grow some more strawberries from seed and put them in there, hopefully the groundhog won't find them (like there's a chance of that happening).

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Re: Growing Strawberries in Containers


Post: # 60584Unread post PlainJane
Wed Jan 12, 2022 6:20 am

Your groundhog will be thrilled, lol.
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Re: Growing Strawberries in Containers


Post: # 60618Unread post jmsieglaff
Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:05 pm

Yes trim the runners off as they grow. I lost mine last winter when we had 4-5 days below zero (I keep mine in the garage along a house wall in winter). This year when zero or lower is forecast I put them in the basement. I can’t keep them there all winter because it is too warm.

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Re: Growing Strawberries in Containers


Post: # 60628Unread post Setec Astronomy
Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:51 am

I think the ones I brought in the garage the first year did worse than the ones I left out, I think didn't get watered enough. We're a little warmer here than Wisconsin, though.

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Re: Growing Strawberries in Containers


Post: # 66048Unread post svalli
Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:32 pm

I grow everbearing strawberries in stackable containers and hanging baskets. I do not cut the runners off from those. Some of the runners I may let root on the ground or in separate containers to get more plants. When freezing weather starts, I put the containers on ground and cover with fallen leaves on the sides. If we get snow, the containers do not need any additional cover or protection. When snow melts I will dig up the containers and put it to unheated greenhouse to get jump start to spring. Usually the runners shrivel during winter unless they have rooted in ground.

Last year I replanted my in ground strawberry patch and rooted some runners from there to window boxes to get more plants. I did not have time to plant those to garden, so I left the containers on the greenhouse floor. I was surprised now when I got the door open that at least some of the strawberries may have survived there. These are those regular garden strawberries, which give one harvest usually here at July, so they are not the best ones to grow in containers.

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