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Post: # 72682Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Jun 29, 2022 6:26 am

RAIN!!!!! We finally got the first rain in 31 days early last evening. There was 0.6" in the gauge but we appreciate every drop and it's raining again this morning. Hallelujah! A nice steady rain is predicted for most of the morning.

This is what the yard looked like yesterday as the breeze sent leaves floating down all day. It looks like fall.


The deer haven't hit the garden this hard in years, probably since the drought in '07 when by June we were already 8" behind in rain for the year and by the end of July the deficit was 12". At the nursery where I worked the deer had started eating sticky holly bushes! The nursery installed a few air cannons that worked off of small LP tanks and shot off a really loud blast of air periodically but like everything else, the deer got used to it.

Two nights ago they hit the garden hard. This is what I found yesterday morning:

The Dar cucumbers stripped. I leaned my last two unused bed-end trellis panels against each side of the cuke trellis to try to protect them as I see a few new leaves trying to emerge. It's hard to protect a trellis.


Sweet potato leaves stripped on one side of the trellis. I stood rolls of rolled up trellis fencing at the ends of the walkway between the other side of the trellis and the next bed where corn is hoping to keep the deer from the uneaten side of the sweet potatoes.


One kale plant munched to the ground:


They started on the Stickless Wonder (Asian long beans), four plants on each end so I put a netting tunnel over those:


They've even taken a chunk out of one side of an okra plant and one of those Beach sunflowers. It's just so disheartening. I can't fault the deer as they gotta eat too and there's nothing much green out there to eat except things in the garden. There's a doe with two young ones I've spotted some evenings near the wood line behind the house and I wouldn't doubt they've found the garden. Hopefully things will now start to green up.

RAIN!!!!! KEEP on COMIN'!!!!!

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